International Trade of Democratic Republic of Congo:Status,Problems and Countermeasures

来源 :东南大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ZJUCS
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The aim of this discussion concerns the progress of the DRC international trade, its steps surmounted since the independence years until now, the problems that stopped him to reach the pick of the influence on its society and the whole word societies.  The integration of this trade is presented as the only alternative for the survival of every state,and the countermeasures coming from the informal and stop the international trade to progress and to contribute to the development of the Congolese economy nationality and internationally.  In order to approach this discussion in a good way, as recommended by then norms of scientific methodology, we have used the analytical, comparative, descriptive methods and thedocumentary technical.  The discussion is divided into two parts whose each represents a chapter as follows: the first concerns the theoretical part based on some preliminary concepts.This chapter talks about the general introduction of the discussion, where we have asked some questions relative to the  subject, followed directly by the attempts of provisional answers that we have maintained taking into account the direct and participative observation of the Congolese economy.In this chapter,we have also presented the thesis structure and the methodology applied to write this thesis.  The second chapter is about the conceptual generalities of the economic growth, the free trade and the direct investment technology where we reviewed all the literature concerning the concepts mentioned above, for allowing readers to understand the quintessence of this work theoretically.The economic growth is defined as the production change of the state production during a given period that contributes to the population life improvement qualitatively, the direct investments issue in the developing countries.  In the second part, we have also reconciled the opposite theories with the realities met in dividing it in two chapters for the equilibrium reason.  The third chapter explores the statistical analysis of the DRC international trade.On this point,we have presented the statistical behavior during the examined period as shown in the data we obtained.  The fourth chapter analyses the performance of the DRC in the progress of the global economy.This chapter concerns the analysis of the DRC performance being the economy in the industries evolution.Congolese progress is not really effective in terms of international trade in the creation of industries.DRC is suffering from the imposition of price of its own production from out.The contributive share of the DRC on the global economy is so weak of no performing since the Congolese economy is extroverted, i.e., turned toward the exterior in terms of importation, this, shows the deficit of the DRC trade balance.  The fifth chapter, is entitled the DRC international trade problems, we have detected some problems that destroy the DRC international trade.Among them, we can mention the entrance and exit right of commodity (customs) that cost the head of economic agent, the business climate,  and the political crises, the monetary instability and inconvertibility, etc.  The sixth chapter finally focuses on the proposed prospects and countermeasures to improve the international trade problems and then the proposed countermeasures to improve the DRC international trade, an economic in total stagnation and also the domestic outlook of DRC 2014-2015.The principal question of this discussion is to know how have progressed the DRC international trade, its problems and possible solutions.