SPINK5 Mutation Analysis And Therapeutic Evaluation of IVIG Therapy In 3 Chinese Patients With Nethe

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Objective: Here we try to explore patient genotype with the aim to locate and analyze SPINK5 mutations in 3 chinese patients suffering from Netherton Syndrome. Using immunohistochemistry analysis we tried to observe LEKTI expression in the epidermis and investigate the relationship between phenotypical severity and epidermal LEKTI concentration. We also evaluate and document the effectiveness of IVIG therapy administered in these patients for three consecutive months.  Methods:Our study comprised of three Chinese patients suffering from Netherton Syndrome from non consanguineous families. After a proper written consent was obtained from the parents of the patients, an adequate volume of blood was taken from the patients and rest of the members of their families. This was followed by DNA extraction using a commercially available kit. Direct PCR was performed on the extracted DNA using a PCR kit following the instruction included using all of the 33 exons of SPINK5 gene. PCR was performed under the previously established conditions given in various publications. After obtaining the PCR product it was further analyzed for mutations in SPINK5 gene by using Chromas 240 S systems to find the exact location of the mutation.We also employed Quantitative PCR analysis to reveal any large allelic deletions in proband 1 and 2.  To investigate the possible effect of SPINK5 mutations on the LEKTI expression in our patients we carried out immunohistochemistry on the skin samples from proband 2. After proper consent small skin section from ILC lesion area was taken with a clean incision following locally anaesthetizing the area with subcutaneous lidocaine. For LEKTI detection we used anti-human DB-1 rabbit polyclonal antibody (Santa Cruz bio technology,INC) against LEKTI domains DI-D6(N-terminal)  In our study we also examine the efficacy of IVIG therapy which we used to manage the NS manifestation in our patients.During the course of treatment we administered IVIG infusion at a concentration of 500mg/kg/day each week for at least three months All the patients were able to complete the therapy.  Results: We were successful in analyzing and locating suspected SPINK5 gene mutation in all of the three patients and their parents. Among the three patients, Patient one, a 4 year old female child showed a single nucleotide variation which was a homozygous nonsense c.2260A>T SPINK5 mutation in exon 24. The amino acid change observed was p.K754X. This mutation has been reported earlier in two siblings of Taiwanese origin by Chao et al. in 2004. Patient 2, a 4 years old female was found to have a compound heterozygous mutation, of which one is IVS11+7A>T located in intron 11 of the SPINK 5 gene and another is a large fragment deletion 200bp up and down the IVS11+7 on the other allele. This is a novel mutation which has not been reported in earlier publications. In Patient 3, a 2 year old female child, we discovered a homozygous c.80A>G mutation in exon 2 with amino acid change p.Q27R. This mutation is a novel kind without any mention in earlier literature.  IHC analysis carried out in proband 2 revealed residual LEKTI concentration in the epidermis as opposed to the NULL LEKTI expression in majority of the other IHC evaluations carried out in NS syndrome patients.This, with the support from previous studies we propose might be due the“LEAKY”nature of the mutation in proband 2.Dermoscopy and light microscopic examination of scalp hair demonstrated characteristic bamboo nodes which is a ball and socket deformity of hair shaft.This is a consistent hair shaft deformity found in NS.  The treatment options for managing NS are very limited.Based on previous studies we chose IVIG therapy as the main treatment modality for our patients.We prescribed IVIG infusions at 500 mg/kg/day each week for three months.At the end of therapy we observed a significant improvement of the erythematous skin lesions and edema.There was also a considerably lesser scaling and pruritis.  Conclusion:  Here we report successful unmasking of three distinct mutations in three patients of Chinese origin. Two out of three mutations that we report here are novel in nature. Through IHC we successfully established LEKTI level discrepencies (residual expression) in the skin sample of proband 2. Supported by these IHC results showing truncated LEKTI expression and its impact on cutaneous severity, we conclude that the phenotypical features and severity are directly linked to the epidermal LEKTI levels present in our patients which in turn is directly dependent on the type of SPINK5 mutations inherited.Dermoscopic examination of hair shaft revealed typical bamboo node appearance.This is an integral finding of TI in NS patients We also affirm the effectiveness of IVIG treatment to palliate cutaneous severity in Netherton syndrome following a three month therapy in our patients.Although the degree of remission were different in different patients but significant reduction of erythroderma,scaling,edema and pruritis was seen in all patients.
摘 要:由于受到教师和学生两方面因素的制约,高职院校英语教学一直是困扰教师队伍的大问题。为了探索出可行的教学策略,帮助学生提高英语语言应用能力,本文分析了高职英语教学的现状,指出自学能力培养的必要性,并从听、说、读、写、译五个方面对如何培养学生的自学能力进行了阐述。最后得出结论,学习自学能力的培养和提高可以有效地改善英语教学现状,帮助学生提高语言的实践能力。  关键词:高职学生;英语;自学能力  
目的:研究特发性低促性腺激素性腺功能低下(idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism,IHH)患者PIN1及NR5A1基因突变类型,寻找新的突变位点,并分析临床表型与基因型之间的关
摘 要:本文针对中职学校语文课程改革的现状,分析了语文选修课程开发与设计的目标定位、学生需求情况、专业培养要求、开发的主要内容,着重论述了开发与设计的措施。  关键词:新课程;中职语文;选修课;开发与设计  新课程理念下的中职语文选修课程的开发与设计必须适应当地经济发展的需要,必须适应学校教改的需要,必须适应中职语文课程改革的需要,必须适应学生发展的需要。与普高语文课程改革相比,职高语文课程改革显
忙完国庆,习近平主席与李克强总理先后访问东南亚,完成了在中国周边外交中具有优先地位的首次东南亚之旅。习近平主席访问印尼、马来西亚,出席巴厘岛APEC会议。李克强总理参加文莱东亚领导人系列会议,并访问文莱、泰国和越南。如果对此进行总结,关键词是“升级”——习、李提出一系列有助于升级中国—东盟关系的倡议主张。  一是定位升级。中国已经明确地通过各种场合表示,将东南亚定位在中国周边外交的优先位置上。从去
摘 要:高等职业教育是人步入社会前的最终环节的全日制职业教育,其体育课堂教学有体育课堂教学的普遍性,也有其特殊性,因此在课堂教学目标设计上应坚持普遍性与特殊性相结合的思路,使高职体育课堂教学既能完成传承中华民族文化精髓的任务,又能使学生达到德身双修的目的,遵循学生全面发展和可持续性发展的教育教学规律。只有坚持这个思想,才能使高职体育课堂教学在内容、方法选择上符合高职教育特点,才能实现教育教学目标。
摘 要:大学生作为特殊的学生群体,学习动机上存在着多元性、矛盾性等特征,本文根据学习动机的自我效能理论,结合当前学生学习动机的特征,提出教师应采取教师用作业反馈激励学生、教师用专业热情感染学生、教师用语言影响学生、教师用耐心帮助学生等方法激发学生的学习动机。  关键词:大学教师;大学生;学习动机;自我效能理论  大学生的学习动机直接推动着学生学习进程的内部动力,伴随着不同的学习动机会产生不同的效果
摘 要:随着社会发展,英语的对高职高专学生的就业和未来职业生涯的作用也越来越突出,但高职高专大学英语的教学还有很多问题。笔者结合自己多年工作经验,指出,可以通过学生分层,讲授分层,注重情景教学,评价分层来提高高职高专大学英语的学习效果。  关键词:高职高专;英语;分层模式;教学  在当代社会,英语的作用随着全球化的进程变得越来越重要。对于高职高专的学生来讲,英语对于高职高专学生的就业和未来职业生涯