Positioning of Convoy's Financial Services on Local Market

来源 :上海财经大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiangweiwei_521
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The service of Independent Financial Advisor ("IFA"), a new category offinancial service, shares the characteristics of typical services such as intangibility,inseparability of production and consumption, heterogeneity, etc. Thesecharacteristics that differentiate services from goods pose particular difficulties tomarketers, and therefore are of vital importance to effective marketing of services.Among them, the characteristic of intangibility makes services harder to understandand evaluate than goods. For a new kind of service such as 1FA, clients rely heavilyon brands in order to deal with the intangibility and to make choices. This paperexamines the case of a leading Hong Kong IFA named Convoy, its marketing efforts,and marketing challenges it is faced with. In this paper, Convoy`s marketingchallenges are identified through the analysis of a market survey and a SWOTanalysis. Marketing challenges posed by the intangibility of 1FA services arediscussed in depth. Then suggestions are provided based on services marketingtheories. For the conclusion, Convoy needs to adopt a more focused marketingstrategy, to communicate more tangible search qualities, and to position itselfdifferently from non-independent competitors. Also, the special traits of theinseparability of production and consumption of financial services lead to thesuggestion that Convoy utilize its large consultant team in more creative ways.Recommendations are also provided for other new financial service providers insegmented market like Convoy.
20世纪30年代,在山东省北部沿海,发生了一桩震惊海内外的大劫案——英国商船“顺天轮”被劫案。事件是由长期活动在山东黄河入海口一带的一伙惯匪所为。劫案发生后,蒋介石及国民党政府在巨大的国际压力下,严令追剿劫匪,解救人质。经过官匪两月之余的打打闹闹,这场官匪一体、为利益争斗而造成的劫轮事件,终于以皆大欢喜却啼笑皆非的结局收了场。    案发“顺天轮”    1934年6月17日22时许,英国太古洋行