A Comparative Study of Orthodontic Awareness and Treatment Need in Chinese,Indians and Nepalese Subj

来源 :遵义医学院 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tiankuangfeng
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Introduction :The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of orthodontic treatment need and the orthodontic awareness level in multi-ethnic population and understand the correlation if any between the two and also in relation to the socio-economic status of subjects. Conclusions:The general orthodontic awareness level in all the threemufti-ethnic group was not Satisfactory. The socio-economic differencewas statistically insignificant. All thecounty groups consideredorthodontic treatment to be expensive. The Nepalese seemed to be satisfiedwith their smiles than Chinese but the Indians seemed to be least satisfiedChinese were among the highest percentage who visited orthodontist whencompared to their counterparts,but were not much interested in wearingbraces, when compared to their other two counterparts. The mal-occlusiontrait was seen highest in Chinese>Nepalese>Indians .Borderlineneed(G2.G3) for treatment was a little higher while the definite need wasfar lesser in the three groups. The displacement of teeth and overbite werethe highest trait, while overjet, crossbite, openrelatively far less. As the three country groupbite though seen wasare from developing countries where income are far less than other developed countries and alsolack of sufficient knowledge for benefits of orthodontic treatment pointtowards results seen in this study. Their is requirement of more orthodonticawareness level to be done in society at large. As this study is done on avery small sample group ,the conclusions can not be applied on society butit serves as an important fording for need of further studies to compare themalocclusion and orthodontic treatment need and orthodontic awarenessleveis in various societies .Future studies should aiso he done to findvarious methods to improvise the orthodontic awareness level in differentethnicities.
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