Festival tells the story校园科技节讲述历史

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  With the theme of “Innovating (创新) Dreams and Experiencing Success”, the 2021 Campus Science and Technology Festival successfully opened in Xuzhou No. 7 Middle School this Thursday. The aim of the activity is to create a good campus cultural atmosphere, enrich students' cultural life outside the classroom, enhance students' awareness of independent innovation and practical ability, and improve students' comprehensive quality.
  I was delighted to participate in this Campus Science and Technology Festival and witness the glorious (光輝灿烂的) history of China. It took nearly one month to prepare for a series of activities in which nearly all students took an active part. These activities were colorful, including the popular science lectures, experimental shows, creative bridge models, creative posters, and card building.
  What struck me most was the 70-year Science and Technology Achievement Exhibition of China. The exhibition showed us the great progress in science and technology made by China in the past 70 years. Particularly, “the flying road” of China made teachers and students feel grateful for the development of technology and proud of our country.
  After the festival, I become very interested in manned space flight. I have realized it is the great people and country that have created this technological age, where people live with convenience, comfort and happiness. Therefore, while saying thank you to great Chinese people and China, our motherland, I will keep on learning and become a great person, devoting my efforts to making my dream and the Chinese Dream come true.
  指导老师   彭向梅
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