Cross-country running:Risk and injury prevention 越野跑:风险与损伤预防

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  Cross-country is an outdoor endurance sport that can be mentally challenging and fun. Typically, cross-country races take place in all weather conditions, which means you also have to worry about environmental conditions that can affect your race performance: rain and wind, snow and ice, hail and heat waves. It's rare for a cross-country race to be canceled due to terrible weather. High school runners, college runners, and adult runners all need to be aware of the risks of injury that come with running cross- country.
  Some common injuries are seen in cross- country runners of all ages. These injuries may include bone and soft tissue injuries like knee injuries, and stress fractures (应力性骨折). Also, cross-country running can lead to dehydration and heatstroke (脱水和中暑).
  How can you prevent cross-country running injuries? The best ways for outdoor runners to stay healthy include the following running tips:
  Stretch daily. For all runners and athletes, a regular stretch is an important part of conditioning. Both static and dynamic stretches are needed to keep your bones, joints, muscles, ligaments (韌带) and tendons (腱) healthy.
  Warm up and cool down. Muscles and tendons are less likely to overstretch or tear if they've been properly prepared for running and racing. High-intensity workouts like training and racing require more warming-up and post-workout cool-down than low-impact activities.
  Wear the right shoes. Make sure your shoes fit properly, and that they are neither too snug nor too loose. Tie double-knots to prevent tripping over undone laces. Check your shoes before the race day, and replace them regularly (after every 300 miles).
  Eat and drink enough. Competitive distance runners like to keep their weight low. However, consuming too few calories can harm your body. Eat a well-balanced diet and be sure to stay well-hydrated(保持水分的) to prevent injury and heatstroke especially in full sun. Drink plenty of water before and after running.
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  What will you do to prevent injuries in a cross-country running?
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