Glorious Years

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  Half a century having passed, that unforgettable experience is still vivid in my grandfather’s mind.
  Lidaocai: Unforgettable! Even though more than 50 years have passed, it is just like yesterday. The whole process can be recalled. Taking part in such activities meant great trust from the Party. If one does not fulfill this obligation, he will fail to live up to expectations of his country. So, no one ever said those words such as bitterness, tiredness, and flinching. At that time, we were young and full of courage to take such painstaking task.
  In July 1951, my grandfather who was 17-year old then joined the Chinese People's Liberation Army, and was assigned to the tank and self-propelled artillery regiment, serving as a mechanic in the reparation company. In 1956, He was sent to the Third Tank Military Academy in Beijing. At the beginning of 1958, the school received order from the superior to set up a 205-member team, on behalf of the armored system to participate in the military parade on National Day.
  Lidaocai: All of these fifteen teams were unarmed formations with members coming from nationwide military academies. There are many armored military academies such as the First Academy of Tank, the Second Academy of Tank, and Fourth Academy of Tank. However, armored forces could not all participate in the military parade on National Day. And our college was lucky enough to be the only one chosen to perform in the parade.
  After layers of strict screening, my grandfather stood out in a few students selected to the parade team, but the difficulty of fully-enclosed concentrated training was beyond their imagination.
  Lidaocai: Hard and boring. With one leg standing, the other leg stepped out. Such position should be kept for more than five minutes. And then six or seven minutes later, you could finally get both of your feet on the ground. Some strides were larger than the standard, while some smaller. It was difficult to keep the toes in a straight line. Not until each stride made the same distance could a straight line of toes be maintained. It is 270 meters in length from the east totem pillar on the Tiananmen Square to the west totem pillar, which equals 360 strides. You must guarantee taking exact 360 strides to finish it. It seems simple, but the truth is not.
  The hardship and boredom of training are hard to imagine, but my grandfather held on to the end, with his perseverance and indomitable spirit, to show the tenacious will of Chinese soldiers.   Lidaocai: If your action is not good, it will affect the whole team’s performance. This is not your personal thing. So, we were sparing no effort to practice. In order to encourage students, the school authorities carried out regular review. Once selected as the advanced soldier, you could get a certificate of honor from school’s Political Department. In four months or so, I got seven or eight certificates of honor. It has been more than 50 years since the year 1958.
  Success comes from perspiration which also earns people's admiration and respect for Chinese soldiers.
  Lidaocai: The Temple of Heaven has a lot of tourists. We usually practiced near the Danbi Bridge especially during the joint training hour. Visitors lingered on seeing us practicing. Some visitor said: “Great uniformity! It is not easy to be in the People’s Liberation Army. You see, sweat is blinding them, but they dare not to rub.” During the break, a British reporter asked: “Sir, how much money do you make a day?” we said: “We are the people's army, and this is our duty. So we make no extra money for this.” This is probably the answer. The reporter was shocked with his thumb up, which meant that the Chinese army is indeed different from those of western countries.
  Unfortunately, my grandfather has not seen any video footage or photos of that military parade. Only a recording keeps my grandfather’s memory from fading away for more than half a century.
  Lidaocai: After listening to this song, I feel very excited. Accompanied by this music, we marched together. A stride forward, “pop,pop”, you hear nothing but the sound , pop, pop, pop... ...
  This sound has kept echoing for half a century. And the sonorous stride of the Republic has been deeply impressed in my grandfather's heart
  I grew up on shoulders of my grandfather with whom I have the closest relation. Regrettably, I found no photo with only two of us in. Now I am 24 years old as my grandpa reaching 81. Fortunately, he can still accompany me. I want to fulfill all his dreams and wishes. During my undergraduate years, I once made a graduation design to commemorate the bygone youth of grandfather. Now, this short video is still in memory of those glorious years.
【摘要】:莫兰迪是20世纪意大利现代史上具有世界影响的杰出画家。对于他的绘画艺术研究在欧洲已超过80年,在中国他被人为是最具中国精神的西方艺术家。因其画中深远的空间意识在一定程度上与中国画的布局形成契合。虽其一生都囿于方寸之间,但探索深度和无限的空间是极美的。  【关键词】:莫兰迪;浅空间;视知空间;深度和无限的空间;空与有  有人说莫兰迪有一双参破天机的透视眼,不然那些瓶瓶罐罐,那些无生命的被忽
【摘要】:画家吴道子不仅在画面用线上笔法有度,而且在设色表现上更是独具特色。 “所画壁画、卷轴,笔落雄劲,而敷彩简淡。”可见,吴道子的画壁特点是以线为主,以色为辅。用色简淡,时谓“吴装”。  【關键词】:吴道子;吴家样;兰叶描  一、吴道子生平介绍  吴道子,东京阳翟(今河南禹州)人。据说其早年曾在洛阳向著名的书法家贺知章、张旭学习书法,未成则改学绘画。在《中国绘画史》中有关于其的记载:“少孤贫,
【摘要】:中国书画装裱又简称裱画、裱褙、装池等。是中国特有的书画装潢艺术,是中国传统行业。距今已有两千多年历史。托画心时如果出错是难以挽回,甚至使书画作品报废。托画心可能会出现跑墨跑色或者颜色洇开的现象,可用本文要说的是画心飞托法。  【关键词】:托画心;画心飞托法  中国书画装裱又简称裱画、裱褙、装池等。是中国特有的书画装潢艺术,是中国传统行业,距今已有两千多年历史。托画心(简称托画)就是指在紧
【摘要】:批评轻视临摹教学重要性的倾向,指出人物肖像画临摹教学的重要性。通过对其案例实验的探究,提出关于人物肖像画临摹教学的思考,以致引起更多学者的重视并给以探索。  【关键词】:中学生;人物肖像画;临摹教学  因受相当一段时间传统临摹教学的影响,在惯性下使中学生对临摹形成了认识上的僵化。如果不将这种传统训练进行创作性的转化,将会走向程式化的僵固观念。因此,本文商榷的出发点是对人物肖像画临摹教学的
【摘要】:我国的地域辽阔、民族众多,由此也就形成了各个民族、各个地域独特的声乐艺术,对于我国的民族声乐艺术发展起到了重要的推动作用,民族声乐艺术的文化内涵在很大程度上体现了中华民族的音乐风格和情感取向,对于提高各个民族的音乐素养具有重要意义。本文通过对民族声乐艺术审美的文化内涵及发展重要性进行分析,提出了关于我国民族声乐艺术审美取向的思考,以期促进我国民族声乐艺术的新发展。  【关键词】:民族声乐
【摘要】:北京四合院规模大、数量多、时间跨度长,体现了严格明确的等级秩序、院落与胡同相互依存的特点。本文从中国传统文化观念的角度对北京四合院建筑形式的影响分析,以封建礼制、儒家思想、审美价值等方面整理,理解北京四合院的建筑形式与空间布局形式。  【关键词】:北京四合院、建筑形式、空间布局形式、风水、封建礼制、审美价值  北京四合院是历史留给我们的宝贵而丰厚的遗产,它不仅是老北京文化遗产中不可缺少的