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这是一篇人物传记,简明而平实地记叙了唯物主义哲学家,天文学家布鲁诺一生的主要事迹与重要贡献。读后,使人对这位因坚持科学真理而被处以火刑的殉道者十分敬仰。可是,出于什么想法而敬仰这一伟人的呢?是有感于他是被活活烧死的缘故吗?还是被宗教裁判所那残酷、野蛮的行为所激怒了呢?如果是这样来引导学生读这篇课文,来激发学生敬仰这一伟大人物的精神、品质,就不免“隔靴搔痒”,有背文章的主旨了。我们认为,学《火刑》有三不宜。即,一不宜抠字眼,硬要从中发掘什么语言因素。因为作者在记叙这一人物时,用词朴素无华,不尚粉饰,只是如实叙事;二不宜让学生反复朗读课文,企图从中体味到一些什么深刻含意。因为作者叙事简洁,不事雕琢,学生一读就懂,多读反而生厌,三不宜在写作技巧上多所议论,想从中 This is a biographical biography that concisely and plainly describes the main deeds and important contributions of the materialist philosopher and astronomer Bruno. After reading this, people are greatly admired for the martyrs who were punished by insisting on scientific truth. However, for what ideas to admire this great man? Is it because he was burned alive? Or was it provoked by the cruel and brutal acts of the Inquisition? If so, to guide students to read This text, to inspire students to admire the spirit and quality of this great figure, will inevitably “switch” and have the subject of the article. We believe that there are three disadvantages to studying “Fire Penalty.” That is, it is not appropriate to look for words, but to find out what language factors are to be found. Because the author used to describe this figure, the use of simple and unadorned words, not yet whitewashed, but the truthful narrative; two should not allow students to read the text repeatedly, in an attempt to appreciate some of the profound implications. Because the author’s narrative is concise and not sculpted, students will understand it when they read it first, but they will be more annoyed when reading more, and they should not discuss more about writing skills.
我国人民和年轻一代的精神面貌将会提到怎样的高度! (《路标》) “精神面貌提到怎样的高度”搭配不当。可改为“精神境界将会提到怎样的高度”或“精神面貌将会发生多么深刻
先天下之忧而忧后天下之乐而乐1 “先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”是范仲淹《岳阳楼记》中脍炙人口的名句。自古以来,一切以天下为己任的有志之士,都把它作为自己的座佑铭
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