
来源 :青少年日记(教育教学研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:skynini83
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一、信息技术是激发带动学生学习兴趣最有利的工具1、兴趣是引导学生积极探究的学习的良好方法,也就是说兴趣是学生学习的最好动力,最有持久力的动力。一个对学科知识无兴趣也无需要的学生是不能持久努力学习这门学科的。因此在教学过程中教师要想方设法调动学生的学习积极性和学习热情,形成良好的学习动机。运用现代信息技术再现情境,使课文内容形象化,能把学生的学习兴趣激发起来。计算机技术在整合中只是作为工具手段而存在。信息技术与课堂教学整合的灵魂是教学设计本身,整合的教学设计应充分体现学生自主、合作、探究的学习方式,应留给学生必要的思考空间,鼓励学生放胆求新,品尝、体验、发现创造性学习的无穷乐趣。 First, information technology is to stimulate students to learn interest the most favorable tool 1, interest is to guide students to actively explore the learning method, that is to say interest is the best student learning, the most enduring power. A student who is not interested in or is not required for academic knowledge is unable to work hard to learn the discipline. Therefore, in the teaching process, teachers should find ways to mobilize the enthusiasm of students and enthusiasm for learning to form a good learning motivation. The use of modern information technology to reproduce the situation, visualization of the text content, students can stimulate their interest in learning. Computer technology in the integration only as a tool exists. The soul of the integration of information technology and classroom teaching is the design of teaching itself. The integrated teaching design should fully reflect the students’ independent, cooperative and exploratory learning methods. Students should be left with the necessary thinking space to encourage students to be bold, to taste, to experience and to discover The fun of creative learning.
摘 要:化学实验在化学学习中占有十分重要的地位,其所占的分值在高考中占有很大的比例。因此,培养学生的实验能力是学生能否真正掌握化学知识的关键。  关键词:化学实验;创新;提升  中图分类号:G420 文献标识码:A  文章编号:1992-7711(2012)10-036-1  一、化学实验附庸角色的转变  有时候听到一些老师在抱怨,现在又要追求学生成绩,又要提倡素质教育,培养学
在教学中遇到药品变质的情况时,老师可以引导学生探究实验过程,得出准确的结论 In the teaching of metamorphic drugs encountered, the teacher can guide students to ex