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各位理事、各位代表、同志们: 中国建设机械协会第二届二次常务理事会今天在济南召开了!这次会议是在全国人民学习、贯彻、落实党的十四大及“两会”精神,加快改革开放和现代化建设步伐的新形势下召开的,特别是在确定社会主义市场经济,将要恢复我国关贸总协定缔约国地位的情况下及时召开这次会议,研究建设机械行业发展非常必要。能有机会参加这次会议非常高兴。首先,经得司领导同意,代表综合计划财务司向来自各方面的常务理事和代表表示欢迎,并通过你们对为建 Members, delegates, and comrades: The second session of the second standing council of the China Construction Machinery Association was held in Jinan today! This conference is for the people throughout the country to study, implement, and implement the party’s 14th National Congress and the spirit of the “two sessions”. It is necessary to convene this meeting in a timely manner in the new situation of accelerating the pace of reform, opening up, and modernization, especially in determining the socialist market economy and restoring the status of China’s GATT agreement. It is necessary to study the development of the machinery industry. I am very happy to have the opportunity to attend this meeting. First of all, with the approval of the leaders of the company’s division, on behalf of the Comprehensive Planning and Finance Department, we welcome the executive directors and representatives from all sides and pass you on the establishment of the project.
The Peruvian version of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s The Governance of China was released in Lima,capital of Peru,on November 19.The local version was jointl
我国工交企业经济效益下降的主要表现是: 1.物质消耗居高不下。1989年据对重点工业企业105项主要原材料、燃料消耗指标统计,消耗比上年上升的占38.1%;去年国营工业销售成本