,Critical review of cyclist speed measuring techniques

来源 :交通运输工程学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangxq198
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There is a growing global interest in developing and accommodating sustainable modes of travel.Cycling is an important mode of travel which offers powerful solutions to chronic traffic problems of congestion and emissions.The accuracy of cyclist position is considered as an important parameter for the calculation of cyclist speed.Cyclist speed data is required for precise design of traffic control measures,for safety studies,and for sight distance analysis.Different speed measurement techniques and results are found in the literature.This study critically examines peer-reviewed studies which discuss different techniques for measuring cyclist speed.This review covers the accuracy of the measurement techniques and highlights limitations of the reviewed studies.These identified limitations are classified as:limited range of movement directions,selection of observed cyclists,seasonal variation in measurements,completeness of results reporting,reporting of equipment limitations,and measurement validation.The study summarizes previous findings of cyclist speed statistics.This study also reviews the level of automation in speed measurement.Any technique involving a human input during the field data collection or analysis to estimate cyclist speed is classified as a manual.Further categories for semiautomated and automated measurement techniques are established.Meta-analysis was conducted to test whether reported cyclist speed depends on where they were recorded;intersections or road segments.The result of the unpaired t-test showed that there is no significant difference between the means of the cyclists speed at road sections and signalized intersections at the 95% of confidence level.The study emphasizes the growing importance of the use of automated computer vision techniques for speed measurement.The paper contrasts the advantages of computer vision techniques with other measurement techniques.
Actuated traffic signals usually use loop detectors.The current practice in many cities is to install four consecutive loop detectors in each lane to reduce the
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【关键词】兴趣;预习;思考;合作;发现;应用  【中图分类号】G623.5 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)36-0245-02  在几十年的数学教学中,积累了许多方面的教学经验,今天就培养学生良好的习惯方面,谈一点个人粗浅的看法,与大家一起探讨分享。  数学是人们在生活、劳动和学习中必不可少的工具,它能够帮助人们处理数据、进行计算、推理和证明,数学模型可以有效地描述自
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