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  本书的作者斯蒂芬·里柯克(Stephen Leacock,1869—1944)是加拿大著名幽默作家,也是加拿大最享有世界声誉的作家之一。他的作品承继了英国幽默传统而又有其独特的色彩,文笔生动风趣,意义耐人寻味,深得加拿大乃至全世界读者的由衷喜爱。加拿大人常常自豪地说:英国有狄更斯,美国有马克·吐温,我们加拿大有里柯克。
  o the careless eye the scene on the Main Street of a summer afternoon is one of deep and unbroken peace. The empty street sleeps in the sunshine. There is a horse and buggy tied to the hitching post in front of Glover’s hardware store. There is, usually and commonly, the 1)burly figure of Mr. Smith, proprietor of Smith’s Hotel, standing in his 2)chequered waistcoat on the steps of his 3)hostelry, and perhaps, further up the street, Lawyer Macartney going for his afternoon mail, or the 4)Rev. Mr. Drone, the Rural Dean of the Church of England Church, going home to get his fishing rod after a mothers’ 5)auxiliary meeting.
  But this quiet is mere appearance. In reality, and to those who know it, the place is a perfect hive of activity. Why, at Netley’s butcher shop (established in 1882) there are no less than four men working on the sausage machines in the basement; at the Newspacket office there are as many more 6)job-printing; there is a long distance telephone with four distracting girls on high stools wearing steel caps and talking 7)incessantly; in the offices in McCarthy’s block are dentists and lawyers with their coats off, ready to work at any moment; and from the big planing factory down beside the lake where the railroad siding is, you may hear all through the hours of the summer afternoon the 8)long-drawn music of the running saw.

  Busy—well, I should think so! Ask any of its inhabitants if Mariposa isn’t a busy, hustling, thriving town. Ask Mullins, the manager of the Exchange Bank, who comes hustling over to his office from the Mariposa House every day at 10:30 and has scarcely time all morning to go out and take a drink with the manager of the Commercial; or ask—well, for the matter of that, ask any of them if they ever knew a more rushing go-ahead town than Mariposa.   Of course if you come to the place fresh from New York, you are deceived. Your standard of vision is all 9)astray. You do think the place is quiet. You do imagine that Mr. Smith is asleep merely because he closes his eyes as he stands. But live in Mariposa for six months or a year and then you will begin to understand it better: the buildings get higher and higher; the Mariposa House grows more and more luxurious; McCarthy’s block towers to the sky; the buses roar and hum to the station; the trains shriek; the traffic multiplies; the people move faster and faster; a dense crowd 10)swirls to and fro in the post-office and the five and ten cent store—and amusements! Well, now! 11)Lacrosse, baseball, excursions, dances, the Fireman’s Ball every winter and the Catholic picnic every summer; and music—the town band in the park every Wednesday evening, and the 12)Oddfellows’ brass band on the street every other Friday; the Mariposa Quartette, 13)the Salvation Army—why, after a few months’ residence you begin to realize that the place is a mere mad round of 14)gaiety.
  Not that the little town is always gay or always bright in the sunshine. There never was such a place for changing its character with the season. Dark enough and dull it seems of a winter night, the wooden sidewalks 15)creaking with the frost, and the lights burning dim behind the shop windows. In olden times the lights were coal oil lamps; now, of course, they are, or are supposed to be, electricity, brought from the power house on the lower Ossawippi nineteen miles away. But, somehow, though it starts off as electricity from the Ossawippi rapids, by the time it gets to Mariposa and filters into the little bulbs behind the frosty windows of the shops, it has turned into coal oil again, as yellow and 16)bleared as ever.
  After the winter, the snow melts and the ice goes out of the lake, the sun shines high and the shanty-men come down from the lumber woods and lie round drunk on the sidewalk outside of Smith’s Hotel—and that’s spring time. Mariposa is then a fierce, dangerous lumber town, calculated to terrorize the soul of a newcomer who does not understand that this also is only an appearance, and that presently the rough-looking shanty-men will change their clothes and turn back again into farmers.
  Then the sun shines warmer and the maple trees come out and Lawyer Macartney puts on his tennis trousers, and that’s summer time. The little town changes to a sort of summer resort. There are visitors up from the city. Every one of the seven cottages along the lake is full. The Mariposa Belle 17)churns the waters of the Wissanotti into foam as she sails out from the wharf, in a cloud of flags, the band playing and the daughters and sisters of the 18)Knights of Pythias dancing gaily on the deck.   That changes too. The days shorten. The visitors disappear. The 19)goldenrod beside the meadow droops and withers on its stem. The maples blaze in glory and die. The evening closes dark and chill, and in the gloom of the main corner of Mariposa the Salvation Army around a naphtha lamp lift up the confession of their sins—and that is autumn. Thus the year runs its round, moving and changing in Mariposa, much as it does in other places.

因《魔法奇缘》而人气空前高涨的艾米·亚当斯(Amy Adams)接拍这部迪士尼真人版电影的时候显然有些“高龄”了,因为当时的她已经33岁了。不过她将这位跑错时空、寻找真爱的公主演出了一股傻傻的可爱劲儿,颠覆了人们对公主的固有印象,也让艾米赢得了“不老公主”的美名。如今,她凭借在《大师》中饰演Mary一角的出色表演而获得了2013年第85届奥斯卡金像奖最佳女配角提名,这是她八年来第四次获得奥斯卡最佳
她是一个普通的弱女子,一所普通小学——惠特尼小学的校长。如果你站在学校的墙外远远地望着她,你肯定觉得此人并无任何特别之处;但如果你踏进了那所学校,你将看到那副瘦弱的肩膀正担负着无数孩子的梦想。  一所被无人管教的贫困生塞满的学校,一位势单力薄的女校长,她将如何带领孩子们度过难关?让我们拭目以待……  I’m Sherrie Gahn and I’m the principal of Whitney
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