How Can We Develop Students’ Critical Thinking Ability in the Process of Writing?

来源 :中学课程辅导·教学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qianxiaoping
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  Abstract:This essay mainly states that as teachers,we should develop students’ critical thinking ability in the process of writing. The author hopes that it will promote our English teaching more effectively.
  Keywords:English teaching;Critical Thinking Ability; methods
  中圖分类号:G632.0 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2017)02-0111
  I. The definition of critical thinking and my understanding about it
  The definition of critical thinking varies from one to another. Robert Ennis, an expert in critical thinking, thinks that critical thinking is reasonable, reflective thinking that is focused on deciding what to believe or do. In my opinion, thinking is natural. Critical thinking, however, is thinking that analyzes thought, that assesses thought, and that transforms thought for the better.
  II. The significance of critical thinking in English writing
  As a famous saying goes, “Give a man fish, he will have a meal; teach him to fish, he’ll have food all his life.” To equip students with critical thinking ability is of great importance to the intellectual development of students. It is also very essential to cultivate students’ creative spirit and innovational competence.
  Writing is an effective way to develop critical thinking ability. When writing, students draw from what they have already known, seek relevant information about a main idea, and develop new concepts regarding that idea. That is when critical thinking is performed at its best. Knowledge and learning are not possible without critical thinking and writing is the best way to develop a mind that thinks critically.
  III. Approaches to cultivate critical thinking ability in English writing
  Several strategies can be adopted to develop critical thinking ability. They are previewing, annotating, summarizing, analyzing, questioning, predicting, and evaluating, and these strategies can benefit our teaching, especially in our writing class. It’s vital for teachers to help students think critically with these strategies before, during and after writing. Next, let’s take “Writing” of Unit 2, Book 1-“Why should I learn English?” for example to state how to develop students’ critical thinking by using some of the strategies mentioned above.
  1. Pre-writing (Questioning
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