2011年1O月25日,江西首条过境特高压输电线路溪洛渡至浙西±800 kV特高压直流输电线路赣江大跨越正式试桩,试验基础工程开始混凝土灌注。溪洛渡-浙西±800 kV特高压直流输电线路是途经江西的第一条特高压线路,全长1679.9 km,途经四川、贵州、湖南、江西和浙江五省,江西境内线路路径465 km。该工程位于丰城市境内,自西北向东南跨越赣江。这次试桩工程开工,是溪
On January 25, 2011, the first cross-border UHV transmission line in Xiluodu, Jiangxi Province, and the ± 800 kV UHVDC transmission line in western Zhejiang were formally tested with a large span of the Ganjiang River. The pilot foundation project started concrete pouring. The Xiluodu-Zhexi ± 800 kV UHVDC transmission line is the first UHV transmission line via Jiangxi with a total length of 1679.9 km, passing through the four provinces of Sichuan, Guizhou, Hunan, Jiangxi and Zhejiang and the route of 465 km in Jiangxi. The project is located in Fengcheng City, across the Gan River from northwest to southeast. The test pile project started, is the river