著名经济学家吴敬琏教授公开提出“网络泡沫”的问题;经济学家厉以宁指出对于新兴的网络经济不要轻易以“泡沫经济”为其盖棺定论,新经济在增长阶段有一些“泡沫”是正常的。正当国内这场网络泡沫之争闹得沸沸扬扬之时,全世界的电脑在遭到“爱虫”病毒攻击的时候,一份来自麻省剑桥的福菜斯特研究所(Forrester Research)不同寻常的研究报告震惊了互联网业界,该报告批评许多互联网公司为“索然乏味、肤浅和空洞无物”,而致力于互联网工业研究的福莱斯特本身就是互联网发展的大受益者。又据道琼斯新闻机构报道,Sequoia Capital的创始人瓦伦丁称,“现在到了投资者三思而行的时候了。某些网络公司将破产,而对于这种现象,人们也将习以为常。”
Professor Wu Jinglian, a famous economist, openly raised the issue of “Internet bubble.” Economist Li Yining pointed out that it is not necessary to conclude the “bubble economy” with a clear conclusion to the emerging internet economy. Some “bubbles” in the new economy during the growth phase are normal of. Just as the controversy over the dotcom bubble in the country has come into the limelight, computers from around the world were attacked by the “love worm” virus, an unusual Forrester Research from Cambridge, Mass. The report shocked the Internet industry. The report criticized many Internet companies as “boring, superficial and hollow”, and Forrester, a company dedicated to Internet industry research, is a big beneficiary of the Internet itself. According to Dow Jones Newswires, Sequoia Capital’s founder, Valentine, said: “It’s time for investors to think twice, and some internet companies will go bankrupt, and people will be accustomed to this.”