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  Will and Lyra followed the stream into the wood, walking carefully, saying little, until they were in the very center.
  There was a little clearing1 in the middle of the grove2, which was floored with soft grass and moss covered rocks. The branches laced across overhead, almost shutting out the sky and letting through little moving spangles3 and sequins4 of sunlight, so that everything was dappled5 with gold and silver.
  And it was quiet. Only the trickle of the stream, and the occasional rustle6 of leaves high up in a little curl of breeze, broke the silence.
  Will put down the package of food; Lyra put down her little rucksack7. There was no sign of the daemon- shadows anywhere. They were completely alone.
  They took off their shoes and socks and sat down on the mossy rocks at the edge of the stream, dipping their feet in the cold water and feeling the shock of it invigorate their blood.
  “I’m hungry,” Will said.
  “Me, too,” said Lyra, though she was feeling more than that, something subdued and pressing and half happy and half painful, so that she wasn’t quite sure what it was.
  They unfolded the cloth and ate some bread and cheese. For some reason their hands were slow and clumsy, and they hardly tasted the food, although the bread was floury and crisp from the hot baking stones, and the cheese was flaky8 and salty and very fresh.
  Then Lyra took one of those little red fruits. With a fast beating heart, she turned to him and said, “Will...”
  And she lifted the fruit gently to his mouth.
  She could see from his eyes that he knew at once what she meant, and that he was too joyful to speak. Her fingers were still at his lips, and he felt them tremble, and he put his own hand up to hold hers there, and then neither of them could look; they were confused; they were brimming with happiness.
  Like two moths clumsily bumping together, with no more weight than that, their lips touched. Then before they knew how it happened, they were clinging together, blindly pressing their faces towards each other.
  “Like Mary said,” he whispered, “you know straight away when you like someone, when you were asleep on the mountain, before she took you away , I told Pan.”
  “I heard,” she whispered, “I was awake and I wanted to tell you the same and now I know what I must have felt all the time: I love you, Will, I love you...”
  The word love set his nerves ablaze9. All his body thrilled with it, and he answered her in the same words, kissing her hot face over and over again, drinking in with adoration the scent of her body and her warm honey fragrant hair and her sweet moist mouth that tasted of the little red fruit.
  Around them there was nothing but silence, as if the whole world were holding its breath.

  龙沙冷月摘自Joy English
在没有父亲的日子里,谁能够承担起这份情感和血缘上的责任?也许有时候你会觉得,“父亲”并不仅仅是一个称号,更多时候他所代表的是一种感情,一种责任……  我五岁的时候爸爸就去世了。这对我们全家人来说是一个很沉重的打击。随着时间的流逝,我们心中的伤痛慢慢愈合。爸爸去世后,比我年长八岁的哥哥开始照顾我和妈妈。
他把狗仔队诱至非洲,因为那里的人更需要关注。  如果不是因为布拉德·皮特,也许很多美国人永远都不会听说纳米比亚这个地方,可能也不会知道在南非还有那么多患有艾滋病的孤儿,也不会知道陷入窘境的海地儿童,更不会知道位于瑞士达沃斯的世界经济论坛里发生了什么。42岁的皮特作为一个从影15年的电影明星,并没有单纯地用他的明星效应促使社会公众扶贫救灾,而是把喜欢紧追不舍的狗仔队带到最需要世界关注的地方,并和其爱
每个伟大的梦想都是由梦想家开始。达·芬奇曾有个想法,他想创造某种能自己飞行的机器。当然,每个人都认为他完全疯了;几年之后,莱特兄弟创造了第一架飞机。亚历山大·格拉汉姆·贝尔曾思考一种能跨越空间交流的方法。现在,我们能与全世界的人进行交流。  每个伟大的梦想都由梦想家开始。八岁时,格伦·坎宁安听到了一个可怕的消息:医生告诉他,汽油爆炸造成他的腿部严重烧伤,他将再也不能走路了。不过格伦并不想放弃自己所
朋友,你还在为找不到快乐而苦恼吗?只要你腾出空间,让出时间,快乐自然而然就会来到你身边。它就在你伸手可及的地方,不要延迟,张开双臂去尽情地拥抱吧!  我祖母是单人纸牌游戏的大玩家。我家族留给我的遗产大都是一些回忆,所以我特别珍爱仅有的几件实物纪念品。尤其是我祖母的一张照片,那是她七十多岁时拍的。她坐在餐桌前,玩着单人纸牌游戏,一只绿色的小虎皮鹦鹉停在她的头顶上。
当你还是小孩子的时候,是不是也有过被爸爸妈妈忽略的感受?那时候的你是不是也会和蠕虫做朋友呢?其实有时候往往是不经意的举动才会唤起我们心中的那份感动……  我觉得爸爸想要一个儿子。可是,他却得到了三个女儿。他只能临时凑合把我——他最小的女儿当作他的儿子。
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