
来源 :中国设备管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shendongshendong
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为期一个月的设备职能科室与生产车间设备对口竞赛于近日在江苏大丰县丝绸总厂终于降下了帷幕。来自该厂九大车间及设备科的所有保全保养工参加了这次全厂性的设备检查评优活动,最后共决出缫丝、复摇、动力等车间样板车台7组,各组测评分平均达98分;一级操作能手吕雨生、汪应祥等10人,获得了厂部颁发的能手证书。这次活动有力地促进了该厂生产的发展,截止8月底,该厂实现工业总产值、销售收入和利税分别比去年同期上升40%、55.06%和101.14%,仅竞赛的一个月,累计产值和利税分别占前7个月产值和利税总额的20%和34%。利税增长超过了产值的增长,取得了明显的成效。 今年以来,大丰丝绸总厂的领导在立足设备制高点的同时,狠抓高新技术的保全保养和陈旧设备的更新、维修和挖潜改造工作。他们在激烈的市场竞争中意识到,企业生产要上规模、上水平,设备跟不上去不是一句空话。设备管理是“三基”管理的重点,是工业生产的“先行官”。为了扎扎实实向设备要产值,要效益,促使设备保值增殖,他们严格执行工业企业《设备管理条 The one-month competition between the equipment function department and the production workshop equipment finally drew to a close at the Dafeng Silk Factory in Jiangsu. All the maintenance workers from the nine workshops and equipment divisions of the plant participated in the factory-wide equipment inspection and appraisal activities. At last, a total of seven prototype car workshops including reeling, rectification, and power were determined. The average score is 98 points; the first-level operating specialists Lyu Yusheng and Wang Yingxiang, etc., received 10 certificates issued by the factory. This activity has effectively promoted the development of the plant’s production. As of the end of August, the total industrial output value, sales revenue, and profits and taxes of the plant increased by 40%, 55.06%, and 101.14% respectively over the same period of last year. Only one month of the competition, the accumulated production value. Profits and taxes accounted for 20% and 34% of the total output value and profits tax for the first 7 months respectively. The increase in profits and taxes exceeded the growth in output value and achieved remarkable results. Since the beginning of this year, the leaders of the Dafeng Silk Plant have been paying close attention to the commanding heights of the equipment while paying close attention to the preservation and maintenance of old and new technology and the updating, repairing and potential tapping of old equipment. In the fierce competition in the market, they realized that it is not empty to say that the production of enterprises must be scaled up to the top level. Equipment management is the focus of the “three-basis” management and is the “predecessor” of industrial production. In order to achieve a solid output value for the equipment, it is necessary to make profits and promote the proliferation of equipment. They strictly implement the “management of equipment” in industrial enterprises.
我厂为落实第三次全国设备管理工作会议精神,以李鹏总理的贺信为指导思想,采取相应措施,提高全厂人员设备管理意识,自觉地把设备管好。 一方面,在各级承包合同中,都把设备完