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《女政委》原名《克拉夫吉娅·维洛尔》,是以卫国战争为题材的中篇纪实小说,发表于1976年《星》杂志第6期,并于1978年获全苏国家文学奖金。这部小说在作家的创作和苏联当代战争题材文学中,都占有重要地位。苏联评论说:“这是一篇关于苏联爱国者的英勇气概和英雄主义的震撼人心的故事。伟大卫国战争时期女政委的形象首次在文学中得到了充分的刻画”。作者亲身经历了卫国战争的硝烟和枪林弹雨,但一直没有写战争题材的小说。同小说写的真实人物克拉夫吉娅·维洛尔的会见,激起了作家“写共产党员,写共产党员的党的良心在战争中意味着什么”的强烈创作愿望。他说:“我写这部中篇小说就象人们写自传一样:叙述克拉夫吉娅·维洛尔的命运力求最大限度地严格、朴实、客观,避免任何艺术夸张。而剖析这个人物的命运,还有一点对我来说也很重要,就是透过她可以看到成千上万的人们的命运,这些人也经历了被俘的悲剧,但即使在那种非人的惨境中仍然保持了自己的人格,表现了英雄主义”。作家的这段话说明了小说的主题思想和风格特点。作品通过克拉夫吉娅·维洛尔坎坷不平的生活道路,反映了苏联人民在卫国战争中所经受的苦难和考验,他们所表现的高度爱国主义和革命英雄主义,刻画了苏联妇女的坚强性格和心灵的美。在小说结尾,作者谴责了那种否定革命传统和老一代的革命献身精神的虚无主义态度,希望年膏一代“从他们身上学到英勇无畏的气概和坚定不移的信念”。小说采取朴素无华的记实笔法,不堆砌辞藻,不故作惊人之笔,但于朴素中见清新、平淡中寓深情,使客观描叙与作者富于哲理性的抒情插笔融为一体。但在人物刻画上也有败笔,如把女主人公比作圣徒、贞女,使她的形象在有些章节中蒙上一层宗教神秘色彩。 Formerly known as Kravijia Vallor, the “Women Political Commissar” is a mid-chapter documentary novel based on the Great Patriotic War. It was published in Issue 6 of Star Magazine in 1976 and was awarded the title of “ bonus. This novel occupies an important position in the creation of writers and in the contemporary literature of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union commented: ”This is a stirring story about the heroism and heroism of the Soviet patriots. For the first time in the Great Patriotic War, the image of the women’s political commissar has been fully portrayed in literature.“ The author personally experienced the smoke and bullets of the Great Patriotic War, but no novel on the subject of war has been written. The meeting with Kravijia Vallor, the real character written in the novel, inspired the strong desire of the writer to ”write what the communists and the communist party conscience meant in the war“. He said: ”I wrote this novella just as people wrote in autobiography: narrating the fate of Kravikia Vallor for maximum rigor, simplicity, objectivity and avoiding any artistic exaggeration. And it is also important to me that she can see the fate of thousands of people, who have also experienced the tragedy of capture, but even in the non-human predicament Own personality, showing heroism. “ The writer’s passage illustrates the theme and style of the novel. Through the bumpy life path of Kravchia Vallor, the work reflects the suffering and tests the Soviet people have endured during the Great Patriotic War. The high degree of patriotism and revolutionary heroism that they show have portrayed the strength of Soviet women The beauty of character and soul. At the end of the novel, the author condemned the nihilistic attitude of denying the revolutionary tradition and the revolutionary dedication of the older generation and hoped that the young generation ”will learn from them braveness and unshakable faith." The novel takes a simple and unpromising style of writing, does not pile rhetoric, not so surprising, but in plain and fresh, plain affectionate, the objective description and the author philosophical lyric interlinkage into one. But there are flaws in characterization. For example, comparing the heroines to saints and virgins makes her image cast a religious mystery in some chapters.
有风格的着装不一定是昂贵的,因为个人风格不是用钱能买到的。所谓的“好质感”并不一定是最贵的服装;就好像不适合你的名牌服饰无法证明你的个人价值。 Style dress is not
<正> 德意志联邦共和国著名作家京特·格拉斯(Gùnter Gras)偕夫人九月底来我国访问。十月二日上午,京特·格拉斯先生应邀来我院作学术报告,受到院领导、德语专业师生热烈欢迎。格拉斯先生是一位多产作家,著有诗歌、剧本、小说。他与西德名作家诺贝尔文学奖金获得者海因利希·伯尔并驾齐驱,在国际文坛上享有很高的声誉。
Werner综合征是一种罕见的、常染色体隐性疾病,青年人的临床症状类似于老年人。它有时被称为“成年早老症”,但Werner 综合征与正常衰老过程有明显区别。近来有证据表明,Wer