A little fox and a little dog

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Long long ago,there was a forest.There was a house in the forest.There were some flowers near the house.A little fox and a little dog lived in the house.One day,little fox and little dog went to the forest on foot.Little fox and little dog flew a kite in the forest,but it wasn’t windy in the forest.Little fox and little dog climbed up the mountain.It was windy there.The kite flew high.They couldn’t hold onto it.It flew away.Little fox and little dog were very sad. Long long ago, there was a forest.There was a house in the forest.There were some flowers near the house.A little fox and a little dog lived in the house.One day, little fox and little dog went to the forest on foot.Little fox and little dog flew a kite in the forest, but it was not windy in the forest. Little fox and little dog climbed up the mountain. It was windy there. The kite flew high. The could could not hold onto it.It flew away. Little fox and little dog were very sad.
宜都市陆城第一小学(以下简称“陆城一小”)开展的“生态童年”德育实践活动,以“生态大视野”“生态大实践”“生态大课堂”和“生态大课间”四个模块为主,串起了一条生态德育链。宜都市教育局局长周朴华称赞说,陆城一小的“生态童年”系列活动,优化了儿童与自我、与自然、与他人、与社会的关系,引导着学生过一种绿色、童真、审美、快乐的童年生活。  生态大视野:与大自然的生命一同成长  在陆城一小校园内,有一个生态
存在主义哲学家雅斯贝尔斯曾言:“教育须有信仰,没有信仰就不成其为教育,而只是教学的技术而已。教育的目的在于让自己清楚当下的教育本质和自己的意志,除此之外,是找不到教育的宗旨的。”作为教育教学活动实施的主体,教育者(教师)必须首先厘清教育信仰的内涵,把握教育信仰的特征,理解教育信仰的价值,以便引领其专业成长,促进教育健康发展。  前提:厘清教育信仰的内涵  存在主义哲学家保罗·蒂利希认为,“信仰是终
Long long ago,there were three pigs and a fox in the forest.The pigs’house was near a river.The fox’s house was near the pigs’house.They’re good friends.One