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  I didn’t know 2)Starbucks sold coffee,” I murmur, appearing slightly 3)intrigued.
  “But—um ... I mean, you really don’t know
   Starbucks is a coffee shop?”
  “It’s not, that I’m aware of.” I generally don’t 4)tip my hand so quickly, but she looks like an 5)easy mark.
  “Well I like it.”
  “Of course you do! I used to like it, too.”
  My path to coffee snobbery was innocent. It always is. There’s not a one of us who decided to become a coffee snob. Not like wine snobs. Wine snobs become wine snobs because it’s 6)hip and cool. Anyone who decides to become a coffee snob becomes a Starbucks Fanboy, because Starbucks Fandom is hip and cool.
  The only coffee-drinker in my immediate family, I developed the taste as a teenager, drinking the 7)swill (I didn’t know it was swill! Honest!) served at parties, church functions, and 8)doughnut shops. We never had coffee around the house except when out-of-town company necessitated it, and then it was the 9)ubiquitous Nescafe.
  I drank that, too. I loved it. Eventually, I got to drinking it black. Swill. Black. I know. I’m sorry. I know better now.
  In college, I drank cafeteria coffee. I drank coffee on airplanes, coffee at receptions, coffee everywhere brown water went by that name. For one Valentine’s Day, my then-girlfriend gave me a French press.
  Now, she was—and to my knowledge, still is—a Starbucks Fan. At the time, though, she was the one to teach me the difference between swill and “good coffee”. I became obsessed, and started making cheap pre-ground coffee in the press.
  Epiphany the First: Automatic drip coffee-makers have poor temperature control; they scorch, overextract and underextract every cup of coffee, yielding a burnt cup that’s 10)paradoxically both bitter and sour.
  So now I couldn’t drink the stuff I’d been served for most of my coffee-drinking years. I knew coffee could be better. 11)The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil ruined things by demonstrating distinction; the French press did the same thing. Once you know the difference, there is no return to blissful ignorance. And is being able to enjoy the most easily-available type of coffee such a bad thing? Then she gave me a grinder.
  Epiphany the Second: Grinding coffee immediately before brewing is the single biggest improvement you can make to your coffee. Granted, I was using roasted-who-knows-when beans from the supermarket mystery-bins labeled exotic wonderful things like “Columbian Dark Roast” and “12)Sumatra 13)Mandheling”.
  Looking back, I’m astonished I could taste the varietal difference in those beans, but my first cup of a Mandheling was at this point: I still remember my gleeful astonishment. “It tastes sweet and a little creamy all on its own! Black!”
  For several years, I was considered a coffee snob, though not really earning the title. I’d politely refuse coffee whenever it was offered, because I knew my poor odds of enjoying the cup. When I could, I’d go to some of the nicer local coffee-houses and enjoy a cappuccino. Then I discovered it was possible to procure, at retail, green, unroasted coffee.
  Epiphany the Third: Coffee that is not fresh is hardly coffee at all.
  What can I say? I’m still beginning this journey. It started with my wanting an espresso machine. I thought I could pick up a little mini-14)Krups at the thrift store and be done with it. My research saved me—or doomed me. I discovered that to make anything worth drinking, one had to have fresh coffee. I thought, “No problem. I’ll just buy what I can use in a couple of days.”
  “Two weeks,” they said. Yes, definitely
  15)puts a damper on the festivities.
  “Wait, really?”
  “And green coffee costs how much?”
  “Maybe five or six bucks a pound, depending on what you get.”
  “So, what about if I want the really good stuff, like that local shop has?”
  “Oh, that? Two fifty or three bucks a pound.”
  There is no denouement: only a continual journey. I roast a half a pound a week. I’m
  exploring options for a higher-volume system.
  Coffee is worth that.
  To a coffee snob.


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