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  《欲望都市》(Sex and the City)是发生在纽约曼哈顿四个单身女人身上的故事。她们都事业成功、时髦漂亮,都已不再年轻却自信魅力四射。她们共享彼此间牢固的友谊,也都面临共同的问题:在这充满欲望和诱惑的都市里,寻找真正的爱情和归宿。HBO的这部都市系列剧在1998年一推出就在世界各地的都市人中掀起了狂潮,改变了很多男男女女对爱对性的看法。在停播四年后的2008年,在观众的强烈要求下,故事被搬上了大银幕,并取得了又一次的巨大成功。
  Miranda: “I think women still want to be married. But I don’t think they’ll do anything to get married anymore.”
  Cynthia Nixon: I play Miranda Hobbes. She’s a lawyer. She’s married. She has a son who’s about five. She’s a 1)cynic. She’s very 2)skeptical.
  Interviewer: During the four years that Sex and the City 3)went off the air, you went through a lot. You were battling breast cancer. How are you today?
  Cynthia: I think I’m good. I think I’m doing very well.
  Interviewer: What were those four years like for you because, you made a lot of headlines between being nominated for a Golden Globe, battling breast cancer, and finding true love? Can I call…
  Cynthia: I would call it true love, absolutely.
  Interviewer: And your life partner is Christine. The two of you live together…
  Cynthia: We do.
  Interviewer: …with your two children from a previous relationship.
  Cynthia: U-huh.
  Interviewer: And when you came back on the set of Sex and the City, did you come back with a new attitude because you went through all these things, during the four years you weren’t shooting.
  Cynthia: You know, I mean, I think maybe to people, they look bigger from the outside than they are. I mean, cancer’s nothing to take lightly, but certainly they found my cancer very early. It was extremely small. And, you know, if you can 4)detect cancer before it spreads beyond the breast, the survival rate is 98%. So, you gotta keep it in 5)perspective.
  Kim Cattrall: I play Samantha Jones, who is a flame that is burning bright. And, well, she’s like an 6)Auntie Mame character. Most people in life, as Auntie Mame says, they’re picking at the7)appetizers, but she’s going for the8)main course, and dessert as well.
  Interviewer: In your real life, how much of your real life 9)imitates who you are on screen in terms of dating a younger man? We’ve seen pictures of you and your love…
  Kim: Yes, yes. Well, you know,I have to admit I was very 10)reluctant, because it seemed like I was stealing something from my character, Samantha’s life.
  And I thought, “Oh, this is just 11)ridiculous. You know, why am I feeling this way? I really like this person. Why am I letting this 12)get in the way?”
  And he 13)literally would not take “no” for an answer. He pursued me. And said, you know, “You, you have the 14)ageism problem, not me.”
  You know it’s usually the other way ’round. And I did. And I thought to myself, “I’ve got to get over this.”
  And that’s something that Samantha’s always taught me, “Don’t take life so seriously. Have fun. Enjoy.” And I started to do that. And I don’t regret it.
  Interviewer: 15)In a nutshell, his name is Alan Wyse.
  Kim: Alan Wyse.
  Interviewer: He’s a personal chef.
  Kim: Personal chef.
  Interviewer: And he’ about to turn 30.
  Kim: Thank God.
  Interviewer: There’s a twenty-year, twenty-year…
  Kim: Twenty-three…
  Interviewer: ...twenty-three-year age difference there.
  Kim: Yeah, yeah, yes.
  Kristin Davis: At the very beginning Charlotte was a single girl like her girl friends. She was very hopeful about finding the perfect man, getting married, and having kids. And then things proved more difficult than she expected.
  Interviewer: So the perfect husband, the perfect child.
  Kristin: U-huh.
  Interviewer: Is that your idea of the perfect life, too?
  Kristin: Not, not so much. I’m open to it, certainly. But I think I’m definitely not as goal 16)oriented about all that as Charlotte is. I never, never was, even when I was a kid. You know, there’s little girls who say, “I want to get married.” I was never one of those little girls. So, it’s not that I wouldn’t; I just don’t see it as, like, that I must do it, or be unhappy. I’m perfectly happy my single self right now.
  Interviewer: Yesterday Kim Cattrall was here.
  Kristin: U-huh.
  Interviewer: She said that this movie, above all else, is about friends as family.
  Kristin: Yes, yes, yes, very true.
  Interviewer: Do you have girl friends like that in your life that you talk to about everything?
  Kristin: I do, I do. And it’s hard when we’re working so hard. You know, you can e-mail and call, but then you just have to get home so you can have that time to just, like, download everything.
  But, yeah, I think all of us do. And I think that’s part of the success of the show is that it’s like life. And, you know, you don’t get to see that many films or TV shows where the women are friends and not competing against each other. But I think in our own lives, we all know we have these girl friends that you rely on, that you 17)turn to, that you call when something bad happens. All the things that our characters have as well.
  Sarah Jessica Parker: Well, my character’s name is Carrie Bradshaw. She lives in New York City, very happily. And she is a writer, she’s a weekly column for a newspaper. And the column really is about sexual politics, gender politics, and the 18)intimate way that women share their stories and their lives with one another.
  Interviewer: Everybody that I meet, every woman that I meet that’s19)obsessed with this show. And they’re all like, “Oh, I’m so Miranda. Oh, I’m so Carrie…” Can every single woman in the world be similar to one of these four characters?
  Sarah: No, not, not specifically, but I think there’s pieces of all of them that women just relate to. And it’s not necessarily they are a piece of one, but they are many, you know, they are pieces of all of them. And that’s certainly how I feel. I mean, they’re 20)foreign to me in a lot of ways, but there’s things about their personalities that I can connect to in some way.






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