新目标七年级(上)Unit 9练习

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  1. medyoc ____ 2. taryenmucod ____
  3. rierllth ____ 4. ievom ____
  5. cainot ____
  1. 去看电影 ____ 2. 动作片 ____
  3. 京剧 ____ 4. 看这些图片 ____
  5. 一个电影明星 ____
  1. The two boys are from ____(Chinese).
  2. How many ____(knife) do you have?
  3. Some students often ____(swim) in the river.
  4. Many ____(child) like drinking orange.
  5. We want five ____(bottle) of beer, please.
  1. I think it’s an exciting movie.(改为否定句)
   I ____ think it ____ an exciting movie.
  2. He wants to go to a movie.(改为一般疑问句)
  ____ he ____ to go to a movie?
  3. Does the woman like documentaries?(作否定回答)
   No, ____ ____.
  4. Mr Green is in No. 2 Middle School and Mr Smith is in No. 2 Middle School, too.(改为同义句)
   Mr Green and Mr Smith are in ____ ____ school—No. 2 Middle School.
   5. I like action movies.(对划线部分提问)
   ____ ____ ____ movies do you like?
   ( )____ 1. Can you help Tom and I?
   A BCD
   ( )____ 2. My mother tell us a story every day.
   ( )____ 3. His uncle often looks books at home.
   ABC D
   ( )____ 4. Is your Chinese teacher old and young?
   AB C D
   ( )____ 5. Liu Ling’s sister also is a new teacher.
   A B CD
   1. Anna doesn’t like thrillers. She doesn’t like ____ movies.
   2. I don’t like comedies. Because they are ____.
   3. ——Do you like action movies? ——Yes, I do. I like ____ movies.
   4. My father likes Beijing ____ a lot.
   5. A lot of people know his name. Because he’s very ____.
   1. ——Who’s the girl ____ red?
   ——Sorry, I don’t know.
   A. in B. at C. of D. with
   2. What kind of movies ____ Mike like?
   A. do B. don’t C. does D. isn’t
   3. ——Can you help him?
   ——Yes, I ____.
   A. do B. am C. does D. can
   4. Where ____ Tom’s English books? Can you see ____?
   A. is, it B. is, them C. are, it D. are, them
   5. This picture is new, and that one is ____, too.
   A. old B. new C. nice D. good
   6. I like thrillers, ____ I don’t like comedies.
   A. but B. and C. or D. /
   7. I think it is ____ interesting story.
   A. / B. a C. an D. the
   8. ____ the old man like Beijing Opera?
   A. Is B. Do C. Are D. Does
   9. ____ someone who likes thrillers.
   A. Look B. Find C. See D. Join
  10. ——Does the boy have a great sports collection?
   A. Yes, he is B. No, he does C. Yes, he does D. No, he isn’t
   1. 我父亲也喜欢这部电影。
  My father ____ ____ the movie.
   2. 星期天他经常待在家里。
   He often ____ ____ ____ on Sunday.
   3. “他们是电影明星吗?” “是的。”
   ——Are they ____ ____? ——Yes, they are.
   4. 我很喜欢中国的动作片。
   I like ____ ____ ____ very much.
   5. 你喜欢哪种类型的电影?
   ____ ____ ____ movies ____ you like?
   A: Excuse me! __1__ is that woman?
   B: __2__ woman?
   A: The one __3__ red. Do you know __4__?
   B: Yes, she is Deng Yaping. She is a famous __5__ player.
   A: Where is __6__ hometown(家乡), do you know?
   B: Yes, I do. Her __7__ is Zhengzhou City.
   A: Oh, I see. You know a lot about her.
   B: Of course, I like __8__. Do you like ping-pong?
   A: Not very much.
   B: I want to __9__ ping-pong with you.
   A: OK. Sometimes I play it but I’m not __10__ at it. I’d like to play it now.
   B: OK, let’s go!
  boy, famous, his, its, girl, home, family, other, house,
  funny, popular, star, people
  In the United States, parents often give a baby(婴儿) the name of __1__ father, mother or another __2__ member. Some people just choose a name that’s __3__ at that time. Two hundred years ago, 50% of __4__ babies in England were named William, John or Thomas, and 50% of __5__ babies were named Elizabeth, Mary or Anne. Some of these names are still popular, but __6__ names are popular, too. Today, parents sometimes give their babies the name of a __7__ athlete(运动员) or a film __8__, or a character(人物) from literature or TV shows.
  Two friends are at a station. They are waiting for a train to Beijing. The man’s name is Paul. He’s thirty. He’s tall with short golden hair. He is wearing blue jeans and a grey sweater. He’s carrying a small black suitcase(手提箱). He is drinking orange juice. The woman’s name is Jenny. She is twenty-eight. She is quite tall with long dark brown hair. She is wearing a dark blue jacket, black jeans and a red sweater. She is eating an apple and carrying a camera.
   1. The two friends ____ at the station.
   A. are drinking B. are eating
   C. are waiting for a woman D. are waiting for a train
   2. Paul’s hair is ____.
   A. short B. long C. dark D. brown
   3. The friend in black jeans is____.
   A. Jenny B. the woman’s husband
   C. Paul D. a young man
   4. Both the man and the woman are ____.
   A. eating something B. wearing jackets
   C. young and tall D. carrying cameras
   5. Which of the following is wrong? ____.
   A. The two friends are wearing sweaters
   B. Jenny is taller than Paul
   C. The two friends are going to Beijing
   D. Paul’s suitcase is not very big
  My name is Philip. Now I live in China. On Sunday my father often takes me to movies. My favorite movies are action movies. My father likes them, too. Many young people like this kind of movies. Because they’re exciting. My good friend, Jim, likes thrillers best. I don’t like thrillers. I think they are scary and boring. Jim likes Beijing Opera, too. And he wants to be a Beijing Opera artist.
   1. When does Philip often go to movies with his father? ____.
   A. On Sunday B. On his birthday C. At festival
   2. What kind of movies do many young people like? ____.
   A. Thrillers B. Action movies C. Cartoon movies
   3. Why does Philip like action movies? ____.
   A. Because they’re scary
   B. Because they’re interesting
   C. Because they’re exciting
   4. What are Jim’s favorite movies? ____.
   A. Thrillers B. Action movies C. Beijing Opera
   5. What does Jim want to be? ____.
   A. Movie star B. Teacher C. Beijing Opera artist
  Ⅻ.请根据你个人对中国电影的喜好,并且以“I Like Chinese Movies”为题写一篇作文。
usually“通常”和often“经常”被我们称为频率副词。初中阶段常见的频率副词还有always, sometimes, hardly(ever), never等。频率副词的用法有以下几点值得注意:  A)频率副词在句中的位置常放在实义动词前,be动词、情态动词及助动词之后。但sometimes的位置较为灵活,可位于句首、句中或句末。  They are always late for sch
1. Good morning/afternoon/evening. 早上/下午/晚上好。  eg.——Good morning, Jim. 早上好,吉姆。  ——Good morning, Kate. 早上好,凯特。  2. in English:用英语  eg.What is this in English? 这用英语怎么说?  3. Nice to meet you. 认识你很高兴。  eg
1. 你想去看电影吗?  误:Do you want go to a movie?  正:Do you want to go to a movie?  析:动词want后面不可接动词原形作宾语,可接动词不定式(to do)作宾语。  2. 郭朋不喜欢喜剧片。  误:Guo Peng doesn’t likes comedies.  正:Guo Peng doesn’t like comedies.
“clock”一词是“钟”的意思,“钟”是用来记时的,也许同学们见过各种形状的美观大方,千奇百怪的钟;也许同学们听过各种关于钟的神奇传说,让人遐想。cock“公鸡”你一定知道,它就是一个计时好手,周扒皮还假装鸡叫让长工们提早起床上工,工友们识破他这一伎俩,把周扒皮作为偷鸡贼狠狠打了一顿。自然界有很多千奇百怪的神奇“clock”,你想一睹为快吗?请看:  1.Bird Clock 鸟钟   南美洲(
同学们,马上到圣诞节了,这是西方人的一个隆重而热烈的节日,可与中国的春节相媲美。你想知道西方人在圣诞节这一节日中到底有些什么庆祝活动吗?  圣诞节,即耶稣诞生纪念日,是每年的12月25日,是基督教最重要的纪念节日。现在世界上许多国家都庆祝这个节日,但已失去了浓厚的宗教意义,在美国和西方大多数国家,圣诞节期间的主要活动有寄圣诞卡(Christmas card),互赠圣诞礼物等。圣诞卡一般在节前寄给对
翻开报纸,打开电视,news一词频频出现。我们知道英语中是“新闻、消息”的意思。可它的来历颇为有趣。  一说,在报纸出现之前,在公共场所设有专门阅读消息的专栏,专栏内有四个部分,即N栏、E栏、W栏、S栏,其中N栏中登载来自北部的消息;E栏中登载来自东部的消息;W栏中登载来自西部的消息;S栏中登载来自南部的消息。在报纸出现后,很多报纸的报头上印有NEWS字样,代表North(北)、East(东)、W
一、各有各的“说”法:speak, say, tell, talk  [真题导航]   1. Don’t forget to ____ “Thank you” when someone has helped you.  (2007年济南市)  A. speak B. tell C. say D. talk   2. I am sure that he is ____ a lie. (2007年广东
情态动词can是本册的语法学习重点,我们可用下列几句话来帮助大家快速记住它的用法:  情态动词can,动词原形后面跟;(1)  主语可用各人称,无变化是特征;(2)  疑问can提句前,否定not在后添;(3)  can的本领大,可表“能力”、“请求、许可”和“可能”;(4)  牢牢记住这几点,定能学好情态动词can。  分述如下:   (1) can不能单独作句子的谓语,后面应跟上动词原形。如:
摘要:词汇教学是英语教学的重要一环,学习策略是提高学习效率、发展自主学习能力的保证。掌握词汇策略将有助于学生在有效的学习时间内达到良好的学习效果,也有助于教师改进词汇教学方法。  关键词:词汇学习策略 词汇教学策略    一、英语词汇教与学的重要性及研究背景  词汇维系着语言的语音、语法、语篇,是语言的建筑基石,是一切语言技能形成的基础。D.A.Wilkins说:“没有语法,能表达的内容很少;没有
Ⅰ.词汇。(10分)  A)根据句意及首字母提示,填入所缺的单词,完成下列句子。   1. Young people don’t like Beijing Opera. Because they think it’s b____.   2. The children have a good time in the summer c____.   3. I like history very muc