Research on costume design

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  Research on costume design
  ——Mr Rhyme amorous feelings
  張曦匀(齐鲁工业大学 (山东省科学院)艺术学院,山东 济南 250000)
  Abstract:Secret and the vast sea, mysterious and impermanence, behind the shallow blue, lurk something intriguing, clever and water to a person with wisdom, make active wave and clever in which the line of perfect fusion. This design inspiration comes from the shell, each shell only hides a restless heart, just like the colorful costumes with a secret world, both on and off the skirt of line is like a fold line ups and downs of shells, stacked arc also more suit the taste of the waves, the soft silk edge fluffy stereo clipping, with the girl's pure and fresh and the sea, the modelling of loose give people free and comfortable feeling, give people beautify the personality and temperament.
  Key words: Costume design, shells, folds, flowing
  1. Source of inspiration and theme description
  Nature itself is a perfect work of art. It USES sunlight, water, spring wind and other means to create magnificent mountains and rivers for people. Its beauty can fully stimulate people's creative inspiration. The reason is that all kinds of objective things and landscapes in nature have natural beauty, color beauty and form beauty, which can make people feel the most intuitive and image creative inspiration. Through visual and visual observation of natural objects and images to obtain perceptual cognition, and through abstract thinking and artistic processing, into the design of clothing modeling and style.
  Nature is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for human creative activities. Such as flowers and trees, various animals, coral shells, rocks and gravel, etc., can be the inspiration source of costume design. The costume design inspiration from the shell, the shell of the shape of the fan and the organization of the profile modification of the texture to the clothes and the texture, shows the combination and unification of human and nature, and shows the environmental natural ecological clothing design concept, advocating green design, green consumption, return to nature, nature, to achieve the style of clothing and people's demand and the harmony of environment protection.
  2. Data collection and analysis
  Costume design is an artistic creation process that generates ideas through thinking about life and integrates logical thinking, emotional thinking and abstract thinking. In this process, the art philosophy and profound cultural deposits are revealed. Therefore, it is very important to explore and explore the inner thoughts and charm of these contents.   2.1 clothing design and modeling
  Clothing modeling is a direct display of clothing design style and concept, and it is also the primary influencing factor when people choose clothing. The design of modeling is constantly innovated with the change of society and people's needs. The modelling of imitation is A shell, shell fan, the shape of the profile design of clothes is backwards fan, known as A font, shell skin texture rules and orderly, the designed clothes chooses drape of fabric, stripe more similar with shell texture, natural and elegant texture.
  2.2 Garment design color
  Color is the best element of visual attraction. People are more sensitive to colors than to shapes. Color appears in the clothing design is to the clothing modeling service, its role is to strengthen the clothing modeling visual art sense and aesthetic feeling. The color of the dress comes from the color of the natural shell, milky white, medium purity, medium brightness, and the color of the nature is more consistent, showing a fresh, soft and beautiful side.
  2.3 materials of clothing design
  The choice clothing material design is to pursue beauty on one hand, what pursue on the other hand is comfortable feeling. In modern life, the improvement of people's living standard makes people's requirements on clothes become higher and higher, that is, clothing design should not only be personalized, naturalized and comfortable in its fabric. This garment is soft chiffon fabric, fabric on the basis of the fold to add Venus shining points of light, as if shell outside texture representation, more relevant inspiration, to display the beauty of nature.
  3. Clothing technology and production process
  The garment technological process consists of eight processes, including incoming inspection, cutting, sewing, keyhole fastener, ironing, ready-to-wear inspection, packaging storage and so on. The quality control of fabrics is an important part of controlling the quality of finished products. In the choice of fabrics, we have successively purchased several wholesale markets in downtown jinan and carefully selected them on the Internet. According to the drawing of the garment effect diagram, draw the sample, and then cut "complete, reasonable and economical". Sewing is the central process of garment processing. According to style and craft style, clothing sewing can be divided into machine sewing and manual sewing. In the sewing process, manual sewing was first used to make the plate, then machine sewing and forming, and finally hand sewing was used to make the details.
  4. Summarize
  Inspiration is the core force of all artistic creation and innovation. For clothing design, it is very important not only to reflect the external beauty of clothing, but also to better reflect the inner thought and taste of clothing. Clothing design inspiration with nature, has the historical origin and connection between the nature to enrich the content of the costume design inspiration, costume design, shows the beauty of nature in the form of intent, the two interaction, mutual unity, make a "natural" is the inevitable trend of fashion design.
摘 要:张大千是中国近代史上最具有影响力的画家之一,在中国甚至是国际上都享有极高的声誉,尤其是张大千在晚年创作的“泼墨山水画”更是具有非凡的艺术意义。  关键词:张大千;泼墨泼彩;特征;创作启示  张大千的泼墨山水画浓淡相宜,简繁交错,其风光藏匿于掩映之际,每次欣赏都会有不一样的发现,愈览愈新。泼墨山水画中的色彩和墨迹交织一起,形成独特的造型,景色合成与收敛之间,逼真传神,另观赏者似乎到达了氤氲绝
美好的是  以前的我们  一起学习,一起谈笑  遗憾的是  现在的我们  偶尔联系,偶尔关心  期待的是  未来的我们  找回時间,找回温暖  本以为来日方长  只不过一段旅程  庆幸的是  我们都还未遗忘  还可以翻回过往  作者简介:  吴文玉(1994-),女,汉族,籍贯:安徽省,单位:天津师范大学文学院,专业:汉语言文字学,研究方向:实验语音。
摘 要:韩愈的《师说》一文被选入高中语文教材,但大多数老师都是肢解文本或是文言串讲的形式来教读《师说》,使得《师说》选入语文教材没有发挥其应有的价值。本文主要从文体形式入手解读《师说》,基于当时的社会背景,理清文本的脉络和论说的层次,从而使《师说》回归到文体的教学上来。  关键词:《师说》;辨体;教学  《师说》一文选入人教版高中语文必修三第三单元,这一单元选入的都是古代议论性散文。而纵观老师的教
“保护老祖辈留下的文化遗产,不仅仅是哪一个部门的事,我们人人都有责任。”他是这样说的,也是这样做的。  他,唐以金;今年六十六岁,全州县全州镇邓家埠人。身上常穿一件唐装棉布衫,脚底踏着一双在市面上三、五块就能买得到的塑料拖鞋,走在路上毫不起眼,是一位你绝对不会多看一眼外表极为平凡的老人,可你想不到就是这样一位貌不惊人的老人,却是一位在全州建筑行业里颇有名望的建筑师。在乡村,在城镇,甚至在桂林都有许
摘 要:当前随着社会的快速发展,人们的工业文明也在不断地进步,其在为我们生活带来舒适、安逸的同时,也带来了非常严重的水污染、大气污染等,这些问题也同时干扰着我们的生活,比如我们常见的酸雨、资源枯竭等问题。也正是因为生态环境的逐渐恶化,也使得人们需要不断改变自己的生活方式,并且对自己的价值观念等予以转变,进而不断地改善这些问题。当前环境艺术设计也正是因为上述问题得以快速发展,其能够有效利用生态理念来
明月倒映水中美,  繁星綴满夜空耀。  月下独酌品夜色,  心中之悦溢于言。
摘 要:音乐教育方式可以将音乐中饱含的文化很好的传承下去,随着时代的发展,国家与国家之间、民族与民族之间的交流越来越多,很多音乐文化已经超出了国界的影响因素,结合多方国家的音乐文化形成了新的音乐模式。而多元化的音乐教育也是时代的产物,民族音乐文化也在这样的环境下,不断地延续发展下去。但是,现在很多音乐文化与教育之间还存在着一定的差异性,为此,必须要冲破难关,将民族音乐文化融入到多元文化的音乐教育中
海上的风将云彩搅散的时候  会不会掉下一只睡在云朵上的麋鹿  掉进森林的树洞  树洞里面住着一位带着面具的老巫  将手中的魔杖指向它  驚慌的麋鹿躲进了树叶里  风吹过  藏在树叶里的麋鹿与树叶落在地上  过路的孩子踩在树叶上  踩疼了里面的麋鹿  麋鹿的眼泪浇灌了路旁的施了魔法的花骨朵  那花骨朵竟然开了  孩子看到那美丽的花  摘下来戴在了外婆送的草帽上  那花儿竟然越开越多  蔓延了整个森林
一、概念及背景介绍  有关“亚文化”的概念,有诸多的分类方式,社会学家罗兰·罗伯逊(Roland Robertson)将亚文化分为关于人种、年龄、生态学等方面。如年龄亚文化可分为青年文化、老年文化;生态学亚文化可分为城市文化化、郊区文化和乡村文化等。亚文化是一个相对的概念,是相对于主流文化而言的。而“恶搞”,很难下一个准确的定义,根据国内外学者的研究,恶搞基本涉及恶搞、恶搞现象、恶搞文化三个方面,