Analysis on Methods How to Improve English Reading Ability for High School Students

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  【Abstract】Reading is an important element in English teaching for high school students; English reading training is the key point for developing thinking ability as well as handling scientific and effective reading method. Based on the current English reading teaching conditions, this paper analyzes the major problems and searches for measures and solutions for improving high school students’ English reading comprehension, thus facilitating the improvement on their overall English level.
  【Key words】high school English; reading comprehension; ability improvement
  【作者簡介】Yahan Shen, Class 1610, Grade 3, Changsha Experimental Middle School.
  I. Teaching situations and problems for English reading
  Reading is the most frequent activity in English, much more English reading can improve other language elements. However there are also some problems in reading, which are shown at following aspects:
  1.1 Unsuitable teaching method
  There are always several English reading articles at the end of each unit in high school English book, most teachers delineate all the knowledge points words by words, even require students just learning that by heart. It favors too much on language knowledge but usage, and grasps the shadow instead of the essence, thus solidifying students’ thinking.
  1.2 Bad reading habit
  High school student’s bad reading habits include: figure reading, reading in low voice or in silence etc, which divert the reader’s attention going against the article’s purport or topic reducing English reading interest. Dictionary lookup makes the overdependence on tools during reading, and the students always are unwilling to think independently.
  1.3 Deficiency in English vocabulary
  Vocabulary is the basis of reading, so increasing vocabulary is important to overcome reading problems. Inadequate amount of vocabulary blocks readers from quick reading and comprehension.
  II. Effective measures to improve English reading comprehension for high school students
  2.1 Increase vocabulary and improve comprehension.
  During usual learning, the students should increase vocabulary steadily, and quickly remember words from word building knowledge or widely reading.
  2.2 Create good reading habit and develop reading skills
  Good reading habit guarantees improvement on reading speed and efficiency. In reading teaching, teacher should help students’ in creating good reading habit, such as reading aloud, learning excellent paragraphs or articles by heart and developing language sense; as well as correct some bad habits easily found in reading process.   2.3 Establish English culture base
  Much more language tests indicated that the major barriers in English reading are not the vocabulary or grammar, but the background culture information carried by language. Therefore, cultural background introduction in English teaching is very important, which can help students to read the article successfully, get the cultural information of western country and enlarge students’ view.
  III. Methods on how to improve high school students’ reading comprehension
  3.1 Based upon book article to improve reading comprehension
  High school English textbooks draw excellent articles in wide range, various types, large amount words flow and vivid expressions. These articles are the best training materials for reading; teachers can fully utilize them and do reading training to the students in daily teaching activity, in order to create reading comprehension.
  3.2 Teach and guide reading methods
  Teachers should guide the students in handling of key words and sentences during reading to understand the soul of the article. Before reading, teachers may ask some questions, allowing the students to read the read article quickly in determined time before carefully reading any paragraph, after finding out the important language points let the students talking about some topics on the article. At last, teachers come out and make some suggestions.
  IV Conclusions
  Reading, interacted by language knowledge, background information and other professions, is a deduction and correction process of language materials, cultural knowledge and logic reasoning. Teachers need to give full play to learning initiative for the students, while the students should come over bad reading habits and form a habit of persevere, in order to unawares increase vocabulary. At the same time, high school students should be encouraged for correctly using reading method and skills, increasing reading amount thus improving reading comprehension.
  [1]Lin Zhaoxia.Methods on How to Develop Students Reading Comprehension[J],Guangxi Education,2006(35).
【摘要】MOOC指大型开放式网络课程,全称为massive open online courses,也有人将其音译为“慕课”,与微课同样属于基于信息技术发展起来的一种新的课程教学形式。将MOOC应用到高职英语教学改革中,能够在丰富高职院校英語教学体系的同时,促进其英语教学水平的提高。  【关键词】MOOC;高职英语;教学改革  【作者简介】夏慧云,陕西工业职业技术学院。  前言  新时期,职业教育
【摘要】1850年,美国作家霍桑发表长篇小说《红字》,该小说在世界文学史上有极为重要的地位,也吸引各翻译家的踊跃翻译。本文以严复先生提出的“信、达、雅”三个翻译标准为视角,以姚乃强及韩侍桁两位译者对《红字》的翻译为例进行分析与探讨。  【关键词】翻译标准;《红字》;“信、达、雅”  【作者简介】武琳蕴(1984.09-),女,江苏泰州人,泰州职业技术学院,研究生,讲师,研究方向:英语语言文学。  
【摘要】英语写作一直以来都是我国英语教学的重点,其在提升学生英语语言运用水平方面起着十分重要的作用,到了大学阶段,英语写作同样重要。近些年来,随着互联网技术的不断发展,大学英语写作教学不断朝着更加现代化和更加符合学生特点的方向进行改革,从而更好地提升我国大学英语写作教学的质量。  【关键词】大数据;大学英语写作;教学改革  【作者简介】杨璐,辽宁科技大学。  大数据时代是一个充满创新与变革的时代,
【摘要】高校新改革发展的背景下,英语教学体系发生很大的改变,深入反思大学英语的教学,还要对教学手段进行重新建立,促进高校英语教学实效性的提高。本文将对课程改革下高校教学进行深入反思以及重新构建。  【关键词】课程改革;高校教学;重构  【作者简介】阮军,赵志敏,河北地质大学。  长时间以来,高校英语教学一直受到相关部门的关注,随着新课改的逐渐深入,高校英语教育的完善是必须的。在本次研究中,主要分析
【摘要】传统的英语中考复习以“讲——练——评”为主,机械性较强,教学方式陈旧,难以激发学生的学习兴趣。为提高中考英语复习的效率,笔者提出要以话题为主线,围绕《英语课程标准》目标,结合实际学情,合理利用整合教材,这样不仅可以帮助学生“抓点、布线、构面、建网”,努力形成“点线面网”立体式知识体系,而且还培养他们运用英语解决相关问题的能力。  【关键词】话题式复习;初中英语;中考复习  【作者简介】曾瑢
【摘要】本文采用定性和定量的方法,就文化负载词的翻译,对《红楼梦》的杨宪益译本进行了分析,就杨所采用的翻译策略提出自己的看法。  【关键词】文化负载词;翻译策略;《红楼梦》杨译  【作者简介】秦茂莉(1972.12-),女,汉族,四川成都人,西南民族大学,讲师,硕士,研究方向:对外汉语教学,翻译理论和实践。  一、对《红楼梦》中文化负载词的翻译策略的定性分析  尤金·奈达(1964)将文化分为五个
【摘要】翻转课堂作为一种全新的教学模式,受到教育界人士的广泛重视。当前,信息技术可与课程内容深度融合,利用翻转课堂,做好初中英语教学工作。本文对当前初中英语翻转课堂教学模式作出分析,以供参考。  【关键词】翻转课堂;初中英语;教学模式  【作者简介】吕静,山东省日照市岚山区安东卫实验中学。  引言  翻转课堂教学模式让学生根据自己的节奏展开学习,从而领悟全新的知识内容,教师密切关注学生的学习情况,
【摘要】面对新课改,高中英语教师应在接纳认可新教育理念的基础上,结合学校、学生的实际情况快速调整自身的教学状态以适应新课程,通过改变教学角色与教学方法,提升专业素养实现自身专业的成长。  【关键词】高中;英语教师;课程适应;专业成长  【作者简介】吴思漫,浙江省诸暨市浬浦中學。一、高中英语教师需要快速调整自身状态以适应课改  从生物学角度来讲,适应是指生物在面对新环境时通过改变生活习性来调整自身状