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婚姻文化是指包括婚姻观念、婚姻行为、婚姻礼仪、婚姻生活等多方面内容的一个综合概念。整个20世纪是中国婚姻文化从传统向现代的转型时期,这一时期出现了几次婚姻文化变革的高潮。其中,辛亥革命与民初这个新世纪的最初年代,是20世纪婚姻文化变革的第一次高潮,并体现了这一时期独具的变革特征。这一时期婚姻文化的变革,蕴藏着女性与男性双重解放的意义,即人的解放的意义。这是中国传统“人伦文化”向“个性主义”文化转变过程中,在婚姻文化变革中的重要体现。 Marriage culture refers to a comprehensive concept including many aspects such as marriage concept, marriage behavior, marriage etiquette, marriage life and so on. The entire 20th century is the transitional period of Chinese marriage culture from tradition to modern times. During this period, there appeared several ups and downs of marriage and cultural transformation. Among them, the first year of the Revolution of 1911 and the beginning of the Republic of China in this new century was the first climax of the marriage culture transformation in the 20th century, and embodied the unique characteristics of the revolution during this period. The change of marriage culture during this period contains the significance of the double liberation of women and men, that is, the significance of human liberation. This is an important manifestation of the change in the marriage culture in the process of the transformation of the Chinese traditional culture of “benevolence” to “individualism”.
Background and Purpose -Long-term trends in stroke incidence in different populations have not been well characterized, largely as a result of the complexities
提起中国近代史,绕不过曾国藩。他以一介书生,组建湘军而扑灭太平天国起义,维清朝统治于不倒;他面临外侮,兴办近代洋务,寻求富国强兵之道。后人评价他在 Mention China’s m
【关键词】爱国,暴力,法制观念  【中图分类号】K24 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】0457—6241(2010)01—0071—02    1840年以来,第一次世界大战的结局,第一次让中国人感受到胜利的喜悦。尽管中国只派出了一些劳工支援前线,但毕竟也是协约国成员,协约国的胜利使中国上上下下倍感兴奋。政府于11月28日举行胜利庆典,还在天安门举行阅兵式。30日举行提灯大会。教育部特令京中各校放
BACKGROUND: At present, fluconazole and intrathecal injection of amphotericin B has been widely used to treat cryptococcal meningitis. However, the application
我们教师要塑造学生的灵魂,净化学生的情感,就必须深入挖掘教材中的相应的情感因素,运用情感的语言,去激起学生相应的情感体验,即把教材的"此情 We teachers want to shape
作家柏杨被称为台湾的鲁迅。在中国友谊出版公司出版的《柏杨回忆录》(柏杨、周碧瑟)一书中,他回忆了解放军入关时的一些细节,摘登如下。  1948年11月1日,上午,我贸然去北大营第三军官训练班,发现北大营全然一空,官兵们已全部撤退到沈阳市区。我大为恐慌,急行折返沈阳。回到大东日报社时,厨夫告诉我说,解放军已经进入市区。  第二天上午,解放军大批进城,车队也鱼贯而入,穿着灰色棉军服的男女青年,坐在卡车
Objective. -The aim of the present study was to evaluate cardiac performance of patients with migraine attacks during the overload produced by phenylephrine inf