服装纺织业陷困境 智能服装或成新风口

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现代的信息化技术已辐射到传统的服装业,其未来演变的节奏和多样化增量将超出人们的想象。提到我国纺织和服装业,人们会很自然和廉价出口和低端联系起来。的确,我国纺织服装业构成多年来我国出口的重要一环,并且是解决我国就业的重要产业领域。然而,目前这一产业正遭受残酷血洗,形势岌岌可危。1.7亿人生计牵动中国神经近日,消息称,受我国纺织服装生产企业倒闭潮的影响,全国各地正在上演一大批服装品牌店倒闭潮,包括波司登、利郎、百丽、佐丹奴、安踏、九牧王、七匹狼等。大型纺织服装企业频现倒闭潮,将直接牵扯到1.7亿人口的就业问题。曾经占据我国出口半壁江山的支柱行业触动着无数国人的神经。 Modern information technology has been radiated to the traditional clothing industry, its pace of future evolution and diversification will exceed the imagination of people. When it comes to China’s textile and apparel industry, people are naturally associated with cheap exports and low-end exports. Indeed, China’s textile and clothing industry constitutes an important part of China’s exports over the years and is an important industrial area for the solution of our country’s employment. However, the industry is suffering from brutal blood washing and the situation is in jeopardy. About 170 million people affect China’s nerves Recently, sources said that due to the impact of the closures and closures of China’s textile and garment manufacturers, a large number of closures and closets of clothing brand stores are being staged across the country, including Bosideng, Lilang, Belle, Giordano, Anta, Jiuhewang and Septwolves. . Frequent closures of large textile and garment enterprises will directly involve the employment of 170 million people. The pillar industries that once occupied half of China’s exports touched the nerves of countless people.
题目:已知实数a、b满足a2+ab+b2=1,求a2-ab+b2的取值范围.(1998年湖北黄冈市初中数学竞赛题)解:令k=a2-ab+b2,由于a2+ab+b2=1,当ab=0(a、b不能同时为零)时,不妨设a=0,则b2=1,易得k=1.当ab≠0时 Title: Knowing that real numbers a and b satisfy a2+ab+b2=
定理 设n∈N,n>2,0<nx<π2,则sinnxsinx>n+3n.(1)证明:n=3时,应用sin3x=3sinx-4sin3x,0<x<π6,从而0<sin2x<14,即知(1)成立.设n=k时,(1)成立,sin(k+1)xsinx>k+1+3 Theorem Let n∈N,n>2,0
本文阐明力学中的机械能守恒定律和动量守恒定律的使用条件、物理涵义,并讨论了如何用好这两个定律。 This article clarifies the conservation conditions of mechanical
利用数列{an}的如下两类变换:an=a1+(a2-a1)+(a3-a2)+…+(an-an-1)及an=a1a2a1a3a2…anan-1(ai≠0,i=1,2,…,n-1)不仅能简便地推导出等差数列和等比数列的通项公式,而且灵活运用它们还能简捷、... Using the following two types of transformations of