The Little Drummer Boy小鼓手的故事

来源 :语数外学习·七年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hurukun
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  David grew up in the kitchen of the inn. His father was the innkeeper. His mother cooked the food. David’s older sisters cleaned the rooms, and his older brother swept the stable. David loved to sing. He would sing to his mother as she cooked the food. David made up songs and banged on pots and bowls as he sang to her. David’s mother smiled at him.“Someday you will sing in the temple, my son ,”his mother said. David grinned at his mother.“Temple,” David said very carefully.
  David’s father came into the kitchen. “How is my big boy?” David’s father asked as he swung David onto his shoulders.“Pum Pum Pum! Tem-ple come!”David sang as he drummed on his father’s head with a wooden spoon. David’s father smiled as his son kept on drumming. “We must find this boy a drum or my poor head will not survive!”said David’s father, with a laugh.
  A few years later David got a small drum for his birthday. Soon he was beating rhythms on his drum wherever he went. Pat-a-rum, pat-a-rum, pat-a-rum, David drummed to copy the donkeys on the road. Swish-click-click-tum, swish-click-click-tum, went David’s drumming to copy his brother sweeping straw in the stable.
  One day David’s father said to his family,“We are going to be very busy. Caesar Augustus has ordered a count of all the families in all the towns.”“Pum Pum. Pa-rum-pum-pum-pum. I counted six of us!”David sang. “Why does this make us busy?”“Because people will come to Bethlehem to be counted with their families,”said David’s father. “They will need a place to stay. They will stay with us, and we will be very busy.”
  David’s mother cooked more food. David’s sisters cleaned the rooms. David’s brother swept out the stable and put new hay and pots of water in the stalls. David’s father greeted the people as they came into town. Soon the inn was very full. David played his drum and sang his songs for the people.
  Late one night there was a knock at the door. David peeked around his father at the young man and his wife, who was on a donkey. They had no room for these people! What could they do? David’s father was a kind man. “You can stay in the stable,”he said. “It is warm and dry there. I can send food out to you.”The young man thanked David’s father and walked the donkey to the stable.
  David helped his mother carry bread and cheese out to the young couple. His mother told him the woman was going to have a baby soon. The next day there was a lot of excitement. “The young woman who stayed in the stable last night had her baby,” David’s mother told him. “The baby is the King of Kings, they say!” said David’s father.   David could not see the baby because of the crowd around the stable. David stood at the back of the crowd and began to make up a song for the baby:“Come, they told me, our newborn king to see. Our finest gifts we bring to lay before the king. So to honor him when we come.”
  The crowd began to part when they heard David’s beautiful singing: “Baby Jesus, I am a poor boy, too. I have no gift to bring that’s fit to give a king. Shall I play for you on my drum?”
  David stepped closer to Mary, Joseph, and their son. Baby Jesus smiled at David, reached out, and patted his drum.
  Love, spirit, and the beat of his drum brought one little boy closer to the infant Jesus.
【作者简介】  克丽丝蒂娜·涅斯玲格(1936— ),奥地利童话作家。她的声名从中篇童话《小黄瓜国王》的出版开始在世界传扬。随后她进行童话、小说、剧本、诗、图画文学等多种文学创作,已出版一百多部作品,其作品被译成数十种文字,风靡全世界。她曾获得无数国内和国际大奖,其中最重要的是联合国教科文“B”类组织国际少年儿童图书协会 (1BBY)1984年颁发给她的“国际安徒生儿童文学作家奖”。  涅斯玲格的
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