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亚洲是最易受到冲击的地区。早在亚洲金融危机开始之前,日本、韩国、我国台湾省以及新加坡的制造商侵略性的扩张就已导致了芯片市场的生产过剩和产品价格的大幅度下降。接下来,亚洲经济的崩溃又大大限制了芯片市场的增长,并迅速殃及美国市场。然而美国与亚洲高技术公司的相互依存也并非症结的全部所在。80年代后期美国的半导体工业开始受到日本的严重威胁,于是美国公司建立起了所谓的“跨国生产网络”,这一生产网络的建立,旨在恢复美国在半导体工业中的领导地位。但实践证明,由巨大的跨国公司进行直接投资并集团式拥有市场的旧生产模式极不灵活。新的发明与技术上的改进促进了芯片生意的盲目加速,在这一环境中,“非集中化”的生产模式为拼抢时间常常会严重地扰乱市场。除规模不同之外.台湾省与硅谷之间有很多相似之处。台湾省的发展史主要是一部非集中化生产的历史。与亚洲其它地区相比,台湾省更具创新精神和适应能力,这一点与硅谷十分相似,而且如今的台湾省已越来越象硅谷。台湾省人是硅谷中最积极的投资者,许多台湾省芯片公司都与它们在硅谷中的芯片设计伙伴共同开 Asia is the most vulnerable area. As early as the beginning of the Asian financial crisis, the aggressive expansion of manufacturers in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan Province of China, and Singapore has led to a significant decrease in the overproduction of chips and the price of products. Next, the collapse of the Asian economy has greatly limited the growth of the chip market and quickly plunged into the US market. However, the interdependence between high-tech companies in the United States and Asia is not entirely the crux of the matter. In the late 1980s, the semiconductor industry in the United States began to be seriously threatened by Japan. Therefore, American companies established a so-called “transnational production network.” This production network was established to restore the US’s leading position in the semiconductor industry. However, practice has proved that the old production model, in which direct investment by large transnational companies and group-style ownership of markets, is extremely inflexible. New inventions and technological improvements have contributed to the blind acceleration of the chip business. In this environment, the “decentralized” production model often scrapes the market and disrupts the market. In addition to the scale, there are many similarities between Taiwan Province and Silicon Valley. The development history of Taiwan Province is mainly a history of decentralized production. Compared with other parts of Asia, Taiwan Province is more innovative and adaptable, which is very similar to Silicon Valley, and today’s Taiwan Province is more and more like Silicon Valley. Taiwanese are the most active investors in Silicon Valley, and many Taiwanese chip companies are working with their chip design partners in Silicon Valley.
PC 时代的失落Sun 公司在推行基于 Java 的网络计算机时曾指出,现代的 PC 机过于庞大和复杂,就其强大的功能而言,PC 机应做为个人应用服务器,并采用 NC 这样的“瘦”型机做
微软因IE的官司惹上了反垄断的大棒,可现用的法律产生在钢铁、汽车工业时代,现在却已进入后工业时代-科技时代,再套用是否有些刻舟求剑。 Microsoft’s lawsuit against the
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ICQ,这个风靡世界的即时信息服务公司在7月被AOL以2.87亿美元收购以后,最近同AOL联合推出了“新一代网络入口”。 ICQ99的主要特色就是能够在不离开ICQ任务条的情况下进行网
“技术创新”最近在各种媒体上频繁出现,其理论最早由美籍奥地利经济学家J.Schumpeter 提出,他给创新下的定义为,创新就是在经济活动中引入新的东西以实现生产要素新的组合,
1997年12月3日,Avid 技术有限公司举办庆祝活动,庆祝公司在过去的10年间存电影和电视业数字技术方而处于领先地位。Avid 公司成立于1987年,他们的产品已遍及全世界的有关专