Efficiency Evaluation System in Senior High School

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  【Abstract】 During the new curriculum reform, the establishment of evaluation target and various methods is particularly important. The main purpose of the evaluation is to have a comprehensive understanding of students’ English learning process, and motivate students to learn with enthusiasm, and promote the teachers’ teaching quality gradually.
  【Key Words】 Efficiency Evaluation System Student-centered Class
  In terms of Professor Guo Sile’s viewpoint, the evaluation of examinations at least has two functions: one is to understand students’ learning; another is to supervise and urge students to study. In the traditional evaluation system, educators put too much emphasis on the grades of students, regarding the examination score as the only criterion for students’ study. In their view, passing examinations is equal to being educated.
  1. Efficiency evaluation system
  In order to carry out the evaluation system effectively, we must have a scientific evaluation perspective and set up a student-oriented classroom teaching quality evaluation system.
  The purpose of the evaluation is no longer just a selection of students, but to promote the personality, creativity and initiative development of the students.
  The orientation of the evaluation is to abandon the one-sided evaluation concept. More attention should pay to students’ learning process instead of their learning. A comprehensive evaluation of each student should be stressed during the process.
  The means of the evaluation is to lay stress on the diversity and flexibility and emphasizes evaluating students from different aspects.
  The subject of the evaluation should be multivariate. Not only teachers but also parents, classmates as well as students should participate in the whole process of evaluation actively.
  2. The Application of Efficiency Evaluation System
  Process Evaluation: The Process Evaluation, with its dynamic, personalized and high-level evaluation system, can stimulate the student learning motivation, make them focus on their learning process and improve learning effect.
  Group Activity Evaluation: In the classroom activity, five to six students may form a group. The teaching process may be divided into four steps: autonomous learning, intra-group discussion, group show and teacher comment. This is shown in the chart 2-1
  Self-evaluation on Intra-group Cooperation: Positive self-evaluation can stimulate learning motivation and improve learning efficiency. Through the Student Self-evaluation Table, teacher may guide the students to focus on their personal changes in order to help them recognize their progress and problems in the group activities. As shown in the chart 2-2.   3. The Advantages of Efficiency Evaluation System
  (1) Be Beneficial to Stimulate Student Learning Initiative
  In Student-centered Class, efficiency valuation System can fully stimulate student learning initiative. Students make great progress in helping each other in their groups, joining in the group learning competition, participating in class discussion, handing up to speak and showing their groups.
  (2) To Reflect Requirements of Student Multiple Intelligences Development
  The sole traditional teaching evaluation way mainly takes exam scores as the only judgment for students. Whereas, in the Student-centered Class, the Process Evaluation integrates learning motivation, process and effect together. Through group activity, student can not only better acquire more knowledge, but also improve their language skills, communication ability, logical capability and self-confidence. What’s more, students may enjoy themselves in learning rather than get bored.
  [1] Arnold, J. Efficiency Evaluation System Affect in Language Learning. Cambridge; Cambridge University Press, 1999.
  [2] Estes, Cheryl. Promoting Student-Centered Learning in Experiential Education. Journal of Experiential Education, (2004)(02).
【摘 要】 本文就词汇教学中存在的问题入手,探讨词汇搭配教学中的教学策略,以提高教师词汇教学的教学效果。  【关键词】 英语词汇 词汇搭配 词汇教学  词汇搭配是英语教学中的重要组成之一。在一定的环境中使用合适的词汇表达自己的思想是很重要的,如果没有足够的词汇量,那么,我们将无法正确表达自己的想法和内心最真实的感受,也无法与其他人进行交际流。但就目前情况而言,有一部分人是有足够的词汇量,但却不能合
【摘 要】 培养学生的阅读能力是主要教学目标之一。教师只有结合学校的办学理念、学生的实际和英语课程标准合理设计教学程序,充分发挥学生的主体作用,教学相长,才能达到教学效果的最优化。  【关键词】 英语阅读 案例 多媒体  1. 理论依据  “立身以立学为先,立学以读书为本”(欧阳修)。茶园新城初中学的办学理念就是读书读人读生活、 益己益人益天下。学校对课堂教学提出了“三味”课堂,即体现趣味、雅味、
普通高中建立学生发展指导制度、探索学生发展指导模式,已经成为当前普通高中发展的热点问题.围绕学生发展指导制度和模式,不少专家和学者结合国内外学生发展指导现状,提出了一些具有指导性、独创性和可操作性的建议.目前关于普通高中学生发展指导的研究主要集中在制度和模式的探索,本文尝试从物理教学视角关注学生发展指导,将学生发展指导与物理教学有机整合,探索学生发展指导的常态化、发展性指导思路和模式.  1 学生
【摘 要】 在初中英语教学中,体验学习理论的运用丰富了教学模式和方法,加强了教学效率,使得学习过程更加符合学习规律,符合语言习得规律。  【关键词】 体验学习理论 初中英语 教学应用  1. 理论简介  美国社会心理学家、教育家大卫?库伯(David Kolb)提出的体验学习理论是从学习者获得“经验”(experience)为出发点,包括直接经验和间接经验,以学习者为中心,获得经验之后进入下一步即
新课程倡导以学生的全面发展为本,这一教育理念催生了“生本课堂”这一新的教学形态.所谓生本课堂,实际上是师生良性互动下营造而出的和谐课堂.在课堂上,教师与学生在相互尊重、相互友爱、互相帮助的课堂氛围中,共同探究,相互研讨,从而实现学生能力提高.那么怎样来构建高中物理教学的生本课堂呢?笔者认为可由以下几个方面着手进行课堂创设.  1 基于学生的认知发展,设置明确的学习目标  学习目标是教学的起点亦是归