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新华社9月27日受权全文播发《中共中央关于加强和改进新形势下党的建设若干重大问题的决定》。这是一个充满危机感和忧患意识的重大决议。在决定中,执政党再次提醒全党,党的执政地位和先进性不是一劳永逸、一成不变的,过去先进,不等于现在先进,现在先进,不等于永远先进;过去拥有不等于现在拥有,现在拥有不等于永远拥有。64年前,毛泽东在回答黄炎培关于如何跳出中国历史兴衰周期律时说:“我们已经找到了新路,我们能跳出这周期率。这条新路,就是民主。只有让人民来监督政府,政府才不敢松懈;只有人人起来负责,才不会‘人亡政息’。”如今,以党内民主推动人民民主,已经成为共识,民主这条新路怎么走,却仍需要艰苦的探索。执政党的执政地位和先进性,与民主这条新路怎么走紧密联系在一起。就此,本刊记者与中央党校党建部主任王长江教授,就十七届四中全会和党内民主、人民民主的问题进行了深入对话。 On September 27, Xinhua News Agency authorized the full text to broadcast the “Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Several Major Issues concerning Strengthening and Improving the Party Construction under the New Situation.” This is a major resolution full of sense of crisis and sense of urgency. In the decision, the ruling party once again reminded the whole party that the party’s ruling status and advanced nature are not permanent and permanent, advanced in the past, not equal to the current advanced and advanced now, which is not always equal to being advanced forever. In the past, Equal to always have. 64 years ago, when answering Huang Yanpei’s question on how to jump out of the cyclical law of the rise and fall of Chinese history, Mao said: “We have found a new road and we can jump out of this cycle rate. This new road is democracy. Only by letting the people supervise the government, The government can not afford to let go. Only when everyone is responsible for it will not lead to political dictatorship. ”Nowadays, it has become a consensus that the promotion of people’s democracy through democratization within the party has become a consensus. However, this new road to democracy still requires arduous exploration. The ruling party’s ruling status and advanced nature are closely linked to the new path to democracy. In response, Professor Wang Changjiang, director of the Central Party School’s Party Building Department, conducted an in-depth dialogue on the Fourth Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Committee and the issues of intra-party democracy and people’s democracy.
研究分析了福建省农作物品种审定委员会认定的真姬菇新品种闽真1号的营养成分和农艺性状,并测定了该品种的生产性能。结果表明,该品种热量每100克145 kJ,总碳水化合物5.5%、
罗恩·吉尔斯比(Rowan Gillespie,1953-)是一位享有国际声誉的爱尔兰青铜雕塑家,出生于爱尔兰首都都柏林,塞浦路斯的岁月是他人生中的重要阶段,也是其艺术成熟期。罗恩·吉尔