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以终身体育作为切入点来对我国高职院校体育改革的发展趋势进行分析研究。研究结果显示,我国高职院校公共课体育教学面临着较大问题。在教学内容、体育课课时分配以及教学硬件设施等方面都存在着较大的改善空间。在终身教育的前提下,我国高职院校教育理念必须转变为坚持素质教育和健康第一的理念,同时推行科学教育观,坚持在发展高职体育教育的统一性基础上实现人才个性化教育以及体育的终身教育,从而提高我国高职院校体育教学水平。 Take Lifelong Physical Education as Starting Point to Analyze and Study the Development Trend of Physical Education Reform in Higher Vocational Colleges in China. The results show that the PE teaching of common classes in higher vocational colleges in China is facing a big problem. In the teaching content, physical education class time allocation and teaching hardware facilities and so there is a big room for improvement. Under the condition of lifelong education, the concept of education in higher vocational education in our country must be transformed into the concept of insisting on quality education and health first. At the same time, we should promote the concept of science education and persist in realizing the individualized education of talents based on the unification of physical education in higher vocational education As well as sports lifelong education, so as to improve the level of physical education in our higher vocational colleges.
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