Analysis of the Mississippi River in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn—Viewed From the Ecological P

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  【Abstract】The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was Mark Twain’s masterpiece. Hemingway once described it as the book from which “all modern American literature comes”. Eco-criticism is a newly aroused critical method. It appeared due to the present global ecological crisis. This thesis attempts to analyze the Mississippi River from the eco-critical perspective to arouse people’s consciousness to protect our increasingly serious environment.
  【key words】Mississippi River; Huckleberry Finn-Viewed; Ecological Perspective
  1. Introduction
  1.1 Mark Twain and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
  Mark Twain, whose pseudonym was Samuel Langhorne Clements, was a famous American realistic writer, lecturer and traveler. When he was four, the family moved to Hannibal, Missouri. Twain’s life there exerted an important role in his imagination. He was even acclaimed as “the true father of our national literature”. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was Mark Twain’s masterpiece. It described a journey down the Mississippi undertaken by two fugitives, Huck and Jim. In this novel, Twain described Huck as a typical American Boy which Twain has created as no one had ever done before. Hemingway described The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn as the book from which “all modern American literature comes”.
  1.2 Eco-criticism
  Eco-criticism is a newly aroused critical method. It appeared due to the present global ecological crisis. There were many definitions of eco-criticism. But the most accepted definition is Glotfelty’s “the story of relationship between literature and the physical environment” (Glotfelty, 2003). Eco-criticism tries to explore the relationship between human and nature, nature and culture, environmental crisis and culture. The main purpose of this paper is to find Mark Twain’s ecological thoughts embodied in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
  2. The description of The Mississippi River
  Various images of nature have established close links with human spirit. Among these images, the water is most close to human spirit and the survival of human beings, In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain gave an important role to the Mississippi River. Huck and Jim’s floating along the river was the main theme throughout the novel. Their life on the river was free and full of poetic meaning.
  2.1 Symbol of maternal love
  In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the protagonist Huck was often abused by his father. He couldn’t find any help, love or care either from his father or his mother. Huck’s mother was only mentioned by his father: “Your mother couldn’t read, and she couldn’t write, nuther, before she died” (Mark Twain, 2009:38). As the only relative for Huck, Huck’s father was irresponsible. He never thought about Huck’s future and refused Huck’s chance to education. The Widow Douglas regarded Huck as her son but she didn’t give Huck enough concern either. What she did was to teach Huck civilization only. But when he was on the river, he became what a child should be: carefree and innocent. At that time, the river was like his mother. Thus, we could see Huck was lack of maternal love and his trip along the Mississippi River could also be interpreted as Huck’s endless pursuit of maternal love.   2.2 Symbol of morality
  In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck didn’t have a set of beliefs or values because of his family, the society and legal systems. He started to doubt about everything around him and wanted to flee from the civilized world. The raft as well as the river was another world where they could enjoy themselves. They poured out their feelings to each other and talked about their dreams. In such an ideal world, Huck gradually formed his own virtues and values. Huck was a good and noble boy but at the first beginning, his goodness was unconscious. Along the river, Huck witnessed many instances of cruelty, brutality and hypocrisy in the townships. And during the process, his goodness became clear. For Huck, the journey on the raft with Jim is a voyage of moral discovery. This is particularly the case in his relationship with Jim. At the early stage, Huck had racial prejudice against Jim. He thought Jim’s identity was lower than his and often played trick on him neglecting Jim’s feelings. However, as they progressed down the river, he changed his attitude and no longer held prejudice against black people. He gradually came to see Jim as a human being and began to accept Jim as his friend.
  2.3 Symbol of life
  Huck’s life was closely linked with the river or the water. In chapter 4, Jim once told him like this: “You wants to keep ’way fum de water as much as you kin, en don’t run no resk, ‘Kase it’s down in de bills dat you’s gwyne to git hung” (35). Huck was destined to get away from water. But later Huck created an illusion that he was killed by the robbers and then drowned. By doing so, he successfully get rid of his father and the civilized world. In order to find Huck’s body in the Mississippi River, the village people threw bread into the river and fired cannon over the water, trying to make his carcass come to the top of the river. But at last they failed anyhow and just at that time, Huck got rebirth and became free. It was the river that gave him another life. To all readers’ interest, Huck didn’t use his real name on the shore. He changed his name and identity all the time. The first time he disguised as a girl named Sarah Williams in order to ask for some information about him. Then after he was rescued by the Grangerfords, he changed his name to George Jaxon. The third time he got ashore and disguised as the servant of Mr. Peter Wilks. He only used the name “Huck” when stayed with Jim on the river. That is to say, only on the river did he have life.   3. Ecological balance around the river
  With the desire to be free, Huck and Jim rode the raft down the river. Unlike the life on the shore which was secular, their life on the river was ecological and natural. “we was always naked, day and night, whenever the mosquitoes would let us-the new clothes Buck’s folks made for me was too good to be comfortable, and besides I didn’t go much on clothes, nohow” (222). Just imagine the scenery, a young boy and a slave sat on the river with nothing to wear. Isn’t it natural scenery? Isn’t it the so-called ecological balance? There was no money, no civilization or some other material things. What they had was intimate contact with the nature. It was such a simple and unadorned life that Huck and Jim could live harmoniously with the nature.
  In order to keep a close relationship with the nature, people should keep ecological balance just as what Huck and Jim did in the novel. Jim had black skin but he was diligent and kind, strong enough to fight for his own freedom. As Huck’s friend, he often taught Huck to take care of animals and cherish everything in the nature. We should act as nature’s friends instead of enemies in order to create an ecological world. Although the two boys had different skins, they could also live in harmony. There was no boundary of age, race or skin between them. Such kind of friendship was necessary in ecological balance.
  4. Conclusion
  Although there was no eco-criticism in Mark Twain’s times, his works were embodied with some ecological thinking. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the Mississippi River was the most important image throughout the novel. Huck and Jim’s adventures all originated from the river. After the analysis of this novel, we got that the river embodied with deep meanings. First, it symbolized maternal love. Thus, Huck’s trip along the river could be interpreted as Huck’s endless pursuit of maternal love. Then, the Mississippi River helped Huck form a set of beliefs and values. Therefore, it also represented morality. Besides, Huck’s life was closely linked with the river. He “died” and then got rebirth several times, which all connected with the river. So it symbolized life as well. Since the Mississippi River was so important, we had to find some ecological thinking around the river. Huck and Jim created ecological balance on the river. They had no money, no civilization or some other material things but the nature. In today’s society, Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn needs to be read by all of us again from ecological perspective to arouse people’s consciousness to protect the world.
  [1]Glotfelty.C,A Guided Tour of Ecocriticism, with Excursions to Catherland[J].Cather Studies,2003,5(1).
  [2]Mark Twain,The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn[M].上海:上海世界圖书出版公司著.盛世教育西方名著翻译委员会译,2009.
【摘要】中职英语存在一定的现实问题,慕课为中职英语教学的创新带来了极大的机遇,为此本文简单介绍了慕课,并针对中职英语的创新进行了探讨,仅供参考。  【关键词】慕课;中职英语;教学  【作者简介】刘骎,扬州生活科技学校。  慕课是一种大型网络在线课程,是互联网技术下的一种低成本共享教育工具。慕课为中职英语教学提供了全新的模式,如何就慕课来实现中职英语教学的创新非常值得探究。  一、关于慕课  慕课作
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通过近几年新教材的教学,笔者认为学生确实在听、说能力有了明显提高,在词汇量的积累方面也有了长足的进步。然而制约学生能力提升的很重要的因素之一就是英语单词难记易忘,难以形成词汇积累。尤其在写作方面,经常是错误百出,词不达意,其中最多的就是词汇使用错误。英国语言学家威尔金斯曾经说过:“没有语法,人们表达的事物寥寥无几,而没有词汇,人们则无法表达任何事物。(Without grammar very li
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【摘要】目在英语学习的过程中,发现当前周围的同学在自主学习这一块意识较为薄弱,不管是出于新课标对我们的要求来看还是未来我们的知识拓展都是很必要进行一定培养的。基于此,本文通过分析当前高中学生在英语自主学习过程中存在的问题,然后根据新课程标准下的理念进行高中英语自主学习方法阐述和实践建议,给相关同学和老师做参考。  【关键词】自主学习;英语;新课程标准  【作者简介】刘冰倩,湖南省冷水江第一中学。