Research on the Quality Cultivation of Scientific Research Managers in Colleges and Universities

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  【Abstract】As the state’s investment in scientific research continues to increase,higher requirements are also placed on scientific research managers in universities. Therefore,it is necessary to strengthen the cultivation of their comprehensive ability and do a good job in scientific research management in universities.
  【Key words】scientific research management personnel; quality training; management ability
  【作者簡介】Sun Cui, School of Politics and Public Administration, Qingdao University.
  As the country’s investment in science and technology has increased year by year, scientific research management has entered a new period of development. Colleges and universities should mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of scientific research managers to cultivate their good innovation ability and comprehensive quality.
  1. The importance of quality training
  1.1 Improve the utilization rate of scientific research resources
  By controlling and managing scientific research activities, it is conducive to establishing cost control awareness, rational allocation of resources, and ensuring that university research activities create maximum social and economic benefits at the lowest cost.
  1.2 Guarantee the final results of scientific research
  The scientific research management work runs through the whole process of scientific research. Their quality directly affects the level and quality of scientific research management, and directly affects the final results of scientific research results.
  1.3 Mobilizing the enthusiasm of scientific research personnel
  Researchers successfully complete research projects,create more benefits,and they can also receive certain rewards, which will stimulate their work enthusiasm.
  2. The analysis of the quality of scientific research management personnel in colleges and universities
  2.1 Lofty professionalism
  First of all, there should be a positive and serious work attitude. Second is the lofty professionalism and hard work style. Finally, we must have a good work ethic and strictly do confidential work.
  2.2 Adequate knowledge reserve
  The innovation and criticism of knowledge are becoming more and more clear. Therefore, the knowledge reserves of scientific research managers are becoming more and more demanding. They must not only strengthen their professional knowledge but also extensively engage in relevant subject knowledge.   2.3 Skilled modern management
  Scientific research managers have mastered the modern management methods, which can improve the efficiency of efficiency and innovation in research and management.
  3. The cultivation of the quality of scientific research management personnel in colleges and universities
  3.1 Focus on developing knowledge and skills
  University scientific research managers need to understand the subject’s professional knowledge in their work. At the same time, some knowledge and skills should be trained, which requires the school to establish a targeted training mechanism to ensure the continuity and effectiveness of the training.
  3.2 Paying attention to cultivating the comprehensive quality
  First of all, scientific research managers should have a cool mind. Second, to cultivate good interpersonal relationships, universities should also improve the competition mechanism. Finally, there must be training and business assessments for scientific and efficient management.
  3.3 Important to cultivate innovative consciousness
  First, change management concepts and improve their thinking and understanding. Second, establish an innovative management mechanism. Finally, innovative management methods to improve the quality and efficiency of scientific research management in universities.
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【摘要】本文借鉴罗选民提出的互文指涉翻译语境化及视阈融合两个概念,以《浮生六记》英译本为例,简述以上概念在翻译实践中的运用,由此为翻译活动提供更多参考。  【关键词】互文性指涉翻译语境化;视阈融合;译本对比  【作者简介】马睿朵(1984.12-),女,汉族,河南洛阳人,四川商务职业学院,硕士研究生,研究方向:翻译理论与实践。  一、 引言  众所周知,语境对翻译人员至关重要。对上下文保持敏感可以
【摘要】学生从初中到高中,所需词汇量急剧增加,从初中的2000-3000词,猛增到高中的5000词左右,而且需要学生对构词有一定的认识与理解。高中英语的语法结构十分繁杂,难以理解记忆。作为单词和语法相结合产物的作文更是体裁多样,这些问题对现在的教师和学生都提出了新的挑战。而思维导图与高中英语的结合,不但极大地降低了学生的學习难度,还提高了学生的学习效率与学习积极性。  【关键词】 思维导图;高中英
【摘要】本文针对职业教育英语课堂教学现状,尝试把ESA教学模式的理论运用到中职英语阅读教学中,并通过实践案例进行探讨;实践证明ESA教学模式是培养学生语言运用能力的科学有效的方法,它使学生成为课堂教学的主体,可以激发学生学习英语的兴趣,实现课堂角色的转换, 提高课堂教学效率,从而提高学生的综合语言运用能力;是职业教育发展的客观要求,更是中职英语课程改革的迫切需要。笔者希望通过本课题的研究,促进中职
【摘要】高职英语教学中,教师要完成《高职高专英语》教学大纲所要求的教学任务,提高学生的学习能力,思维导图是一个有效的方法之一。思维导图既是一种思维习惯,又是一种高效的学习工具,在教学中运用思维导图,能提高学生听说能力、阅读能力、写作能力及自主学习能力等。  【关键词】高职英语;思维导图;学习能力  【作者简介】陈秀南(1966.04-),女,重庆南川人,西南大学教育硕士,重庆电子工程职业学院,讲师
【摘要】大学英语传统教学在“互联网 ”日益盛行的当今,面临着机遇和挑战。传统的英语教学只有加快改革,才能适应“互联网 ”时代要求,催生并创建出以互联网为基本依据的多元化大学英语教学模式。也只有这样,才能进一步深化推动教学改革,才能使大学英语教学更趋向于现代化,培养出更多的英语人才。本文以“互联网 ”时代为背景,探讨大学英语学的两面性,面临的挑战、现状,以及改革和发展的具体措施。  【关键词】“互联
【摘要】为有效落实和提升中职学生英语学科核心素养,英语教师必须深刻领会学科核心素养的内涵,尊重学生个体差异,通过活动导向教学,提升职场语言沟通、思维差异感知、跨文化理解和自主学习能力,同时注重教学内容的价值取向,发挥英语学科的育人功能。  【关键词】中职;英语;学科核心素养  【作者简介】季润梅,江苏省通州中等专业学校。  2020年版《中等职业学校英语课程标准》提出英语学科核心素养包括即职场语言
【摘要】随着市场经济的快速发展,学校教育开始将教学重点放在对高素质、创新型人才的培养上。中职学校在我国教育事业中是非常重要的一个组成部分,承担着为社会提供技术型人才的重要责任。自从改革开放以来,各中职学校不创新教理念,翻转课堂也应运而生,引起了我国教育界人士的高度关注,并将其引入到我国教学之中。为此,本文着重针对翻转课堂在中职英语教学中的应用进行分析。  【关键词】中职学校;英语教学;翻转课堂  
【Abstract】The short story A Clean, Well-lighted Place develops through the dialogue between a young waiter and an elder one. The idea of “nada”, which means nothingness, runs through the whole story.