An investigation of tip vortices unsteady interaction for Fokker 29 propeller with swirl recovery va

来源 :Chinese Journal of Aeronautics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cerlin
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A numerical study was performed to explore the unsteady interaction between the upstream propeller and the downstream swirl recovery vane(SRV) by transient simulations. Much larger fluctuations of thrust coefficient were observed on the vane, which indicates that the variations of the total efficiency depend mainly on the working performance of the stator. The harmonic loads of the decomposed unsteady blade-surface pressures show that the stator experiences about ten times higher of unsteadiness compared with the rotor. Notable changes appear at the vane leading edge due to the potential disturbance as well as the sweeping effects from the wake of the upstream propeller, whereas more significant unsteadiness occurs at the stator tip region as a result of the interaction between the rotor/stator tip vortices. The visualization of vortex structures addresses that the rotor tip vortex has a dominant effect on the stator tip vortex since the latter one starts right at the impingement location on the vane top in this configuration. Furthermore,a longer and a shorter SRV were investigated based on the original case to explore different interaction patterns for the rotor/stator tip vortices. Weaker effects have been observed as expected. A numerical study was performed to explore the unsteady interaction between the upstream propeller and the downstream swirl recovery vane (SRV) by transient simulations. Much larger fluctuations of thrust coefficient were observed on the vane, which indicates that the variations of the total efficiency depend mainly on the working performance of the stator. The harmonic loads of the decomposed unsteady blade-surface doses show that the stator experiences about ten times higher of unsteadiness compared with the rotor. Notable changes appear at the vane leading edge due to the potential disturbance as well as the sweeping effects from the wake of the upstream propeller, and more more significant unsteadiness occurs at the stator tip region as a result of the interaction between the rotor / stator tip vortices. The visualization of vortex structures addresses that the rotor tip vortex has a dominant effect on the stator tip vortex since the latter one start right at the impingement locat ion, and the shorter SRV were investigated based on the original case to explore different interaction patterns for the rotor / stator tip vortices. Weaker effects have been observed as expected.
每当我从外婆家吃完晚饭出来,在被夕阳镀上一层金衣的村子里散步时,抬头便能望见阿太家屋顶上那一根笔直而斑驳的烟囱。深深地呼吸一口,仿佛自己仍站在一片白雾缭绕中,听见刚丢进炉膛的干柴正噼啪作响,看见橙黄的火焰正倒映在阿太满是皱纹的脸上……  那时,村里人都还只住着二层的房子,车子开进谁家的院子还是茶余饭后的新闻。挂着一大串鼻涕的我去看阿太,阿太总会用她粗糙的手轻轻地抚着我的头发,对我說:“宝宝乖啊,阿