
来源 :中国社会心理学评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xjqlhh0621
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文化会聚主义认为文化变迁是文化混搭的动态结果,即所有文化的形成都有赖不同文化间持续的交流互动,而个体既是互动的主体,也是互动的受体。结合社会生态心理学的观点来看,社会生态因素会影响文化变迁:一方面,客观的社会及物理环境会影响和塑造人们的思维、情感与行为;另一方面,人们也会为了实现个人目标、满足个人需求而主动重塑环境。本文尝试从社会生态心理学的视角出发,综述四类社会生态因素[包括国家身份认同(反映政治环境)、经济发展水平(反映经济环境)、居住迁移模式(反映居住环境)和关系流动性(反映人际环境)]对当代中国文化变迁及文化混搭的影响机制。最后,本文展望了未来的研究方向。 Cultural Convergence believes that cultural change is the dynamic result of cultural mix and match, that is, all cultures depend on the continuous exchange and interaction between different cultures. Individuals are both interactive subjects and interactive actors. From the social and ecological psychology point of view, social and ecological factors will affect cultural change: on the one hand, the objective social and physical environment will affect and shape people’s thinking, emotions and behavior; the other hand, people will also achieve personal goals , To meet personal needs and take the initiative to reshape the environment. This article attempts to review four types of social ecological factors (including the state identity (reflecting the political environment), the level of economic development (reflecting the economic environment), the mode of living and relocation (reflecting the living environment) and the relational mobility (from the perspective of social and ecological psychology) Reflect the interpersonal environment)] on the contemporary Chinese cultural change and cultural mix and match mechanism. Finally, this article looks forward to the future research direction.
在现代的外国作家诗人中,与中国有缘的莫过于美国的赛珍珠(PearlBuck)和英国的威廉·燕卜荪(William Empson,1906~1984年)了。赛珍珠在中国生活将近40年,其间创作了以中国为题材
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