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  Food, is inseparable[不可分开的] from the history of mankind[人类]. And now, 2013, introducing a whole new approach[方法] to food, tasting and savoring[尝到或闻到] food with your nose.
  How to?
  1. Choose.
  2. Insert[插入].
  3. Smell.
  4. Eat.
  And that’s all there is to it.
  So, are we ready to savor this?
  Let’s say[比方说] you’re a student with no money. All you need is some white rice and your stomach[胃] will feel satisfied.
  Let’s say you’re a woman on a diet[节食]. Obviously, calories[卡路里(热量单位)] are not an issue[问题] when you are dining[用餐] at Hana Yakiniku.
  Now, let’s say there’s a couple[情侣] going out on a date[约会]. We’re pretty sure, this will help bring them closer.
  Have you ever wished that your iPhone could bring you the smell of coffee, curry[咖喱粉] or steak?
  No? Well, Japanese company Scentee has invented a spherical[球状的] iPhone attachment that can squirt out aromas[香味] ranging from flowery to savory. Each scent[气味] comes in a separate cartridge[弹药筒], which you can change out by opening up the device. And to power it up, all you have to do is plug[插上] it into your phone’s headphone jack.
  In the words of Scentee’s CEO Koki Tsubouchi: “The iPod made music portable[可移动的]. We want to do that for scent.”
  If you’re in the mood for[对某事有心情] food smells, Scentee has an app called Hana Yakiniku, which roughly[概略地] translates to “nose grilled[烤的] meat,” programmed with three scents: short ribs[肋骨], grilled beef and buttered potatoes.
  Tsubouchi insists the app is supposed to be fun, even silly.
  Still, we were curious—could the smell of meat actually satisfy cravings[渴望] for it? Smell, of course, is very closely connected to taste. According to Marcia Pelchat, sensory[感官的] psychologist at the Monell Chemical Senses Center, our tongues are able to distinguish between[区别] sweet, savory, bitter and tart. But “smell provides a lot of the variety in flavor[滋味],” she tells us.
  It’s no surprise, then, that food manufactures have long been interested in using smell to manipulate[巧妙控制] our sense of taste[味觉]. But to truly trick[哄骗] your mind into thinking you’re eating beef, you would have to chomp[大声咀嚼] on something that at least feels like meat. Lettuce won’t work, but fake meat might—which means this could be a good app for vegetarians with withdrawal [撤回] cravings.

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