通信电缆线路是构成铁路通信网的重要组成部分。其质量的好坏直接影响着运输生产的安全和通信全程全网的质量。而通信电缆线路又经常受施工、气温、雷电、腐蚀等外界影响,造成混线、断线、绝缘不良等故障。传统的处理方法是分段查找,孤立故障点,这样投入的工时大,准确度低,而且容易人为地增加电缆接头,改变电缆性能,增加故障点。为了缩短故障延时,减小对运输生产的影响,提高处理故障准确性,我们研制了一台《电缆故障测试器》。 该测试器体积小,携带方便,操作简单,读数直观,不但可以测试电缆线路的绝缘数值,而且还可以准确地判断电缆线路的
Communication cable lines constitute an important part of the railway communication network. The quality of its direct impact on the quality of transport safety and communications throughout the whole network of quality. The communication cable lines are often affected by construction, temperature, lightning, corrosion and other external influences, resulting in mixed lines, broken lines, poor insulation and other failures. The traditional approach is to find the segment, isolate the point of failure, such a large man-hours, accuracy is low, but also easy to manually increase the cable connector, change the cable performance, increase the point of failure. In order to shorten the fault delay, reduce the impact on transport production and improve the accuracy of troubleshooting, we have developed a “cable fault tester.” The tester is small, portable, easy to operate, intuitive readings, not only to test the insulation value of cable lines, but also can accurately determine the cable line