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  雪桐 译
  Eugen David from 2)Rosia Montana, a 3)small-time farmer with a chipped tooth and muddy boots in this obscure wrinkle of 4)Transylvania, is an unlikely man to attract the attention of movie stars and 5)moguls. But he counts 6)Vanessa Redgrave, 7)George Soros and 8)Teddy Goldsmith among his 9)backers in a land battle with a Canadian gold mining company-10)Gabriel Resources, who owns the rights to mine the hills in Rosia Montana.
  In the old days, a 11)pipsqueak like Mr. David wouldn’t stand a chance fighting powerful and sophisticated adversaries like Gabriel Resources and its 12)minority partner, the Romanian government. But this is the Internet age, when local activists like Mr. David can tap into an increasingly 13)well-oiled global network of non-governmental organizations for financial and political support on a long list of causes and emerge with almost as much clout as any corporation.

  Mr. David’s stubbornness has 14)struck a chord with the anti-globalization movement. Gabriel Resources’ proposed open-pit, 15)cyanide-leaching mining process has also drawn the 16)ire of international environmentalists who are now trying to stop it.
  Mining is one of the world’s most unpopular pursuits these days, parti-cularly the gigantic 17)gouging that leaves the earth pocked with moonscape-like 18)craters a mile or more wide. Gold mining is disdained even more because of the perceived 19)frivolity of its end: to provide wealth for the rich, status for the everyman and hidden stores of wealth for nations.
  But it also has a strong allure, particularly for resource-rich countries like Romania that are struggling to develop impoverished communities in need of jobs. The $3.7 billion project would pour more than $2 billion into the Romanian eco-nomy, and could earn Gabriel Resources and its shareholders profits of $1 billion or more. And the company involved here, a Toronto-based corporation with market capitalization of $1 billion, is run by 20)savvy mining executives, many of them highly experienced from 21)cutting their teeth building the 22)Barrick Gold Corporation, the largest gold mining company in the world.
  Mr. David’s opposition might have 23)withered had it not been for an ill-advised plan to build a Dracula theme park near the picturesque Romanian town of 24)Sighisoara once home to 25)Vlad Dracula, the notorious Romanian ruler. Prince Charles of Britain, fond of Romania’s old 26)Saxon villages, was outraged. So was Teddy Goldsmith, the aging anti-globalist environmentalist and 27)scion of a wealthy business family. A Swiss-born environmental journalist named 28)Stephanie Roth, who wrote for Mr. Goldsmith’s magazine, 29)The Ecologist, moved to Romania to help defeat the project. With such powerful forces aligned against it, the theme park for Sighisoara died. While in Romania, Ms. Roth heard about the Gabriel Resources’ plan for Rosia Montana and went to meet Mr. David in April 2002. Within months, she had introduced him to some of the most powerful environmental organizations in the world.
  Ms. Roth started by helping Mr. David’s group obtain a grant for a few hundred dollars from an American environmental organization, 30)Global Greengrants Fund. They organized a 31)public hearing in Rosia Montana that drew 40 non-governmental organizations with Romanian operations, including 32)Greenpeace, and 33)cata-pulted Mr. David’s dispute onto the national stage.

  But the mining industry doesn’t easily back down. Hoping to extract an estimated 300 tons of gold and 1,200 tons of silver from the mine, Gabriel Resources introduced a public relations campaign with 34)Madison Avenue-style television commercials and community sponsorships to win over 960 Rosia Montana fa-milies that it needed to relocate. It cast itself as “an economic savior”.
  Some efforts 35)backfired. Gabriel Resources helped sponsor the Transylvanian International Film Festival in nearby 36)Cluj-Napoca. But when its organizers invited Ms. Redgrave to receive a lifetime achievement award, Ms. Roth quickly put the actress and Mr. David together. Ms. Redgrave’s acceptance speech became a 37)rallying cry against Gabriel Resources’ project. The anti-Gabriel Resources’ movement had its mascot and the European press began covering the story.
  Because of the polarizing debate surrounding open-pit gold mining, it is hard to find an unbiased commentator to assess the risks and benefits of Gabriel Resources’ proposed mine. A major focus of contention is the use of large quantities of highly toxic cyanide to separate gold and silver from the ore.
  Gabriel Resources says it would build in safeguards. It has promised to convert most of the cyanide into a nontoxic compound, before discharging it into the mine’s 38)tailing pond. It also promises to clean up pollution left by past mining operations, and spend $70 million to do as much as possible to repair the altered landscape after its project is done.
  That’s difficult for many people here to believe. The new project will grind down several hills, leaving four deep pits in their place, and slowly fill an entire valley with wastewater and tailings that will take years to solidify. Robert E. Moran, a mining expert hired by the opposition to evaluate the impact of Gabriel Resources’ plans, said that the mine, despite detoxification, would inevitably produce other toxic byproducts damaging to the environment, including heavy metals.
  Eugen Bobar, 60, the school principal, says that the dispute is pitting parents against children, husbands against wives. “Most of the people who talk about the environment are just making an excuse,” Mr. Bobar said, sitting in the school’s office late one night. “They will leave for a good price.” Mr. David, however, insists there is a com-mitted core of opponents who will not sell, whatever the offer. In that case, Gabriel Resources warns, it may ask the state to step in and move people out by force. But that could lead to years of legal 39)wrangling.
  The company has told its shareholders that it expects to receive final approval for the project from the Romanian government this year and will start producing gold by mid-2009.
  Now Gabriel Resources is trying to win over the remaining 40)holdouts. It is spon-soring education for underprivileged children in Rosia Montana through a non-governmental organization.
  2006年6月2日至11日,罗马尼亚举行了第三届特兰西瓦尼亚国际电影节。这个影展的主力赞助金主是Gabriel Resources公司,因为它正积极进军欧洲,要在罗马尼亚的Rosia Montana地区开采全欧洲规模最大的金矿。这个影展今年将终身成就奖颁给了英国知名女星瓦内莎·立德格拉夫,她也欣然出席影展受奖。瓦内莎是影坛知名的特立独行女侠,她在接受这个终身成就奖时宣布要把奖座捐给当地反对Gabriel Resources公司在当地开采矿石的环保团体Alburnus Maior,并在媒体和影迷面前高声疾呼:“地球已经奄奄一息了,我们没有权力再做任何危及生态体系的事。”Alburnus Maior则回赠她Rosia Montana当地1平方公尺的土地,让她也能和这块土地产生连结关系。6月23日,Gabriel Resources公司在英国《卫报》刊登了全版公开信,反驳瓦内莎的观点。

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