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  On the night of March 31, 2007, Sydney’s skyline was plunged into an unfamiliar darkness, as the 3)Harbor Bridge and 4)Opera House, along with 65,000 households and 2,000 businesses, flicked off their lights.
  The lights remained off from 7:30 pm (5)AEST) until 8:30 pm (AEST) for Earth Hour, as part of a campaign to cut the city’s greenhouse gas emissions by 5% in the next 12 months.
  6)Energy Australia said, readings from five 7)CBD electricity supply points was compared to data from the last three years, and indicated a 10.2% reduction in energy use over the hour.
  That figure is twice the amount anticipated by orga-nizers, 8)WWF Australia.
  The 25,000 tons of carbon dioxide saved is the equi-valent to taking 48,613 cars off the road for one hour.
  More than 20,000 9)kWh of energy was also conserved during the hour—enough energy to power 200,000 TVs, or 400,000 60-watt 10)light bulbs, or two million energy-efficient light bulbs, for an hour.
  Although this year’s Earth Hour was focused on Sydney, the response na-tionally and internationally has been amazing, with participants from even outside of Sydney showing their support for the campaign, by joining in turning off their lights. The word had spread from the UK, to South Africa, to New Zealand, and across Australia.

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