
来源 :能源研究与利用 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Tianic
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1992年12月,应欧洲共同体能源总司的邀请,由国家科委国际合作司西南欧处靳仲华处长带队,南京、杭州、天津、上海、重庆五个“中国—欧洲共同体”节能技术培训中心负责培训工作的领导同志参加的代表团,先后赴法国、英国、丹麦、荷兰、比利时五个国家的能源总署、能源与环境控制署、能源技术支持中心、能源咨询公司、热电站、天然气研究站、汽车公司制铝厂、啤酒厂、能源技术中学等16个单位进行了考察访问;并与欧共体能源总司进行了会谈,双方就进一步加强在节能领域的合作进行了探讨。在双方的共同努力下,考察访问收到了显著效果,取得了很大成功。访问期间代表团收集了大量的资料,正待组织翻译、编辑、出版,为使广大读者及时了解欧共体及上述五个国家的基本情况,本刊将先行作连载报道。本期报道的内容,主要是根据法国能源与环境控制署(ADEHE)提供的资料摘编的。 In December 1992, at the invitation of the European Community’s Energy General Division, he was led by the Director of the Department of International Cooperation of the State Science and Technology Commission at the South-West European Department, Mr. Zhonghua Zhong, and trained in Nanjing, Hangzhou, Tianjin, Shanghai and Chongqing, the five “China-European Community” energy-saving technologies. The delegation headed by the center’s leaders responsible for training has successively visited the energy administrations, energy and environmental control agencies, energy technology support centers, energy consulting companies, thermal power stations, and natural gas in five countries: France, Britain, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Belgium. The research station, the aluminum plant of the car company, the brewery, and the energy technology middle school, etc., conducted inspection visits and held talks with the European Commission’s General Energy Division. Both parties discussed the further strengthening of cooperation in the field of energy conservation. With the joint efforts of both parties, the inspection visit received significant results and achieved great success. During the visit, the delegation collected a large amount of information and was waiting to be organized to translate, edit, and publish it. In order to enable readers to keep abreast of the basic situation of the European Community and the above five countries, the journal will first report serially. The content of this report is mainly based on information provided by the French Energy and Environment Control Agency (ADEHE).
宣汉,这片红色的热土上,以革命前辈王维舟将军为代表的红三十三军,在中国革命的历史舞台上曾演绎了一幕幕精彩纷呈的英雄活剧。 当车轮驶入十九世纪八十年代中叶,又一支寓兵
老挝一直不能生产水泥,所用的水泥全靠进口。为了发展老挝的水泥工业,经过友好协商,中国云南国际经济技术合作公司、云南省建材局和普洱水泥厂帮助老挝建设一座年产7.3万 t