不是简单的外包——与方正迪成顾问Michael Kwan谈Y2K解决方案

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Y2K问题的解决不仅是技术问题,更是业务问题。企业的管理者首先要承认问题的存在,并与有技术和项目管理经验的人配合,而不是简单地把Y2K问题给包出去。这是在采访方正迪成Y2K解决方案顾问Michael Kwan(关先生)时,他郑重地告诉记者的。厂商对Y2K问题相当重视,一般都有专门的部门负责,配备各种资源、针对各自产品提出解决办法。但在用户方面,特别是一些中小企业却没有引起足够的重视,反而认为厂商在夸大问题,趁机赚钱。这就需要对社会进行Y2K的适度教育。两千年固然不是世界末日,但肯定会为社会的正常运转带来很多问题。从商业角度看,企业在业务链中既是用户又是供货商,解决了Y2K问题,业务才能正常运作,保证了商业社会的运转,同时也使自己在竞争中处于优势地位。国内计算机普及程度虽然不如国外高,但却有自己的特殊性。首先是系统中使用大量自行开发的软件,缺少必要的技术文档,加大了发现和解决问题的难度;其次是嵌入式系统如电梯控 The solution to the Y2K problem is not only a technical problem but also a business problem. The manager of the company must first acknowledge the existence of the problem and cooperate with those who have experience in technology and project management, instead of simply exposing the Y2K problem. This was when he interviewed Fang Zhengdi into the Y2K solution consultant Michael Kwan (Mr Guan). He solemnly told reporters. Vendors attach considerable importance to the Y2K problem and generally have a dedicated department responsible for providing various resources and proposing solutions for their respective products. However, in terms of users, especially small and medium-sized enterprises did not attract enough attention, but think that manufacturers are exaggerating the problem and take the opportunity to make money. This requires a modest Y2K education for the society. The millennium is certainly not the end of the world, but it certainly will bring many problems to the normal operation of society. From a business point of view, the company is both a user and a supplier in the business chain. It solves the Y2K problem and enables the business to operate normally, ensuring the operation of the commercial society and making itself in a competitive position. Although the popularity of domestic computers is not as high as in foreign countries, it has its own particularities. The first is the use of a large amount of self-developed software in the system. It lacks the necessary technical documentation, which makes it more difficult to find and solve problems. Second, it is an embedded system such as elevator control.
作者简介:  寒郁,河南永城人。现居广东。在《钟山》《北京文学》《青年文学》《长城》《天南》《芙蓉》《作品》等杂志发表作品六十余万字,部分被《小说月报》《长江文艺·好小说》《散文选刊》等选载。曾获“紫金·人民文学之星”短篇小说佳作奖,台湾第27届梁实秋文学奖,东莞荷花文学奖等。  买票的时候,陈蕊恍惚间听到一声叹息,她立即回头去看,回头回得猛了一点,把自己和后面买票的中年男人都吓了一跳。陈蕊赶快给
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