纸上得来终觉浅 绝知此事要躬行——介绍潘凤湘的“初中语文教读法”

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潘凤湘简历 1926年3月24日(农历)出生于江西省南昌市一个小职员家庭。 1932年秋季进南昌市北坛小学读书。1940年秋季考取南昌私立豫章中学,免费入学。1946年暑假后留校,任该校附属小学语文教员。1953年秋季,考试合格选送江西师范学院学习中国语文。1955年暑假毕业,分配到江西省南昌市第二中学任教至今。 1960年开始研究习字教学方法,并编写习字教材。1963年秋季到1966年春季,进行改革初中阅读教学方法试验,寻找培养学生自学能力的途径。 1977年秋季,在一个初一班进行培养学生自学能力的试验,初步拟定一套阅读教学方法,取名为“八步读书法”。1978年秋季到1981年春季,在一个班进行阅读教学改革试验,教学方法进一步完善,取名为“语文教读法”。1981年秋季开始,再一次进行教读法试验,并探讨让学生从读书中学习写作的途径。《江西教育》1980年10月复刊号,刊登了教学方法实验总结《语文教学法初探》。1981年7月号刊登了习字教学总结《我是这样进行习字教学的》。《语文教学法初探》一文被江西省社联评为社会科学优秀论著,获乙等奖。历年来多次被评为先进工作者、省市劳模,1980年6月被评为特级教师。担任全国中学语文教学研究会理事、江西省中小学语文教学研究会副会长、南昌市教育学会常务理事等职。 Pan Fengxiang’s Biography Born on March 24, 1926 (Lunar), he was born in a small family of employees in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province. In the fall of 1932, he entered Beitan Elementary School in Nanchang. In the autumn of 1940, he was admitted to the Nanchang Private Yuzhang Middle School for free admission. After the summer of 1946, he stayed in school and served as a language teacher for elementary schools. In the fall of 1953, the exam was selected and sent to Jiangxi Normal University for learning Chinese language. He graduated from the summer of 1955 and was assigned to the second middle school in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province. In 1960, he began to study the method of learning Chinese characters, and wrote learning materials. From the autumn of 1963 to the spring of 1966, we conducted trials of teaching reforms in junior high schools to find ways to develop students’ self-learning abilities. In the fall of 1977, in an initial class, students’ self-learning ability was tested and a set of reading teaching methods was preliminarily drafted. The name was named “The Eight-step Reading Act.” From the fall of 1978 to the spring of 1981, a reading teaching reform experiment was conducted in one class, and the teaching method was further improved. The name was “Language Teaching Reading.” Beginning in the autumn of 1981, the teaching and reading test was conducted again, and the way to allow students to learn writing from reading was discussed. “Jiangxi Education” resumed in October 1980, published a teaching method experiment summary “An initial study of Chinese language teaching methods.” The July 1981 issue published a summary of the Chinese character teaching, “I am doing this as a Chinese character.” The article “A Tentative Exploration of the Chinese Language Teaching Method” was evaluated by the Jiangxi Provincial Federation of Social Sciences as an excellent book on social science and won the second prize. Over the years, he has been rated as an advanced worker, provincial model worker, and was named a special grade teacher in June 1980. Served as the director of the National High School Chinese Language Teaching Research Association, the Vice President of the Jiangxi Province Primary and Secondary School Language Teaching Research Association, and the Standing Director of the Nanchang Education Association.
注重对考生能力和素质的考查 ,增加应用性和能力型题目 ,从以知识立意转变为以能力立意 ,这是近年来高考命题的发展趋势 .特别是高考中的综合能力测试 ,强调学科内部的综合和
知识经济初见端倪 ,迫使各国把竞争的焦点 ,放在创新人才的培养上 ,创新教育势在必行。构建适应创新教育要求的基础教育课程教材体系是全面推进素质教育的核心。作为教育改革
In this study, in-situ testing results are given, and the analytical relationship of the vibrations’ amplitudes inside an embankment by the thawing of the subg
一、引言 关于“阅读”的概念已有不少说法 ,都做出了不少有益的探索 ,具有代表性的有 :《中国大百科全书·教育卷》中的定义为 :“阅读是一种从印的或写的语言符号中取得意
在传统的数学课堂教学中 ,教师把自己根据教材、教参、学生实际精心设计编拟的问题逐一展现 ,学生在貌似“启发式”的情境中解决问题、掌握知识 .这种“教师教得舒心 ,学生学
非常高兴能和澹台全鹏、徐洪殿、张春强三位老师一起在本刊发表“一元二次方程”的课例 ,感谢广大读者积极参与“课例大家评” ,尤其感谢安徽省的徐晓兵、范宏业老师 ,江苏省
一、选择题 :本大题共 6小题 ,每小题 5分 ,共30分 .每小题所给的 4个选项中 ,有且仅有一个符合题目要求 .1.已知椭圆的两焦点是F1(0 ,0 ) ,F2 (6 ,0 ) ,点P(6 ,8)在此椭圆上 ,