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特教学校的语文教学是非常重要的,因为聋哑学生能够认识和使用语言都是依赖于此,通过相关的学习获得能力,进一步得到水平的提高。其意义体现在:第一,对于语言以及文字的了解能够帮助聋哑学生更加贴近社会,能够以一定的方式与人沟通,使其摆脱明显的弱势,获得相应的尊重。第二,语文是各种学科的基础,因为一切知识都以文字的形式被记载在纸上,较高的语文水平能够提升聋哑学生获得知识的能力,也就为其智力水平以及思维能力的提升打下了基础。第三,对语文工具的熟悉以及熟练应用,能够在一定程度上促进聋哑学生的思想提升,进一步引导学生优秀品质的形成。 Language teaching in special education schools is very important, because deaf students are able to recognize and use the language are dependent on this, through the relevant learning ability, to further improve the level. Its meaning is as follows: First, understanding of language and writing can help deaf and dumb students be closer to the society, communicate with others in a certain way, get rid of apparent weakness and obtain corresponding respect. Second, language is the foundation of various disciplines because all knowledge is recorded on paper in the form of words. Higher language proficiency can enhance deaf and dumb students’ ability to acquire knowledge, that is, their intelligence and their ability to think Enhance and lay the foundation. Thirdly, being familiar with and proficient in using language tools can promote deaf-and-dumb students ’thinking to a certain extent and further guide the formation of excellent students’ qualities.
A two-stage process was used to produce nano-composite epoxy coatings.The first step involved preparing nano-AI concentrates with high concentration and low vis
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[摘 要] 目前,由于高职院校生源参差不齐,绝大多数学生知识基础很薄弱,导致以往的教学方法、教学经验失效。针对这一情况,提出关于高等数学课堂改革的若干举措,希望能给高职院校的高等数学课程的教学效果及课堂管理带来一些改观。  [关 键 词] 教学效果;课堂改革;课堂管理  [中图分类号] G712 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-0603(2017)31-0054-02  高职院校的高等
The thermal stability and the kinetics of glass transition and crystallization for Zr75-xNi25Alx (x= 8-15) metallic glasses were investigated using differential
2013年12月21日,2013-2014国际雪联自由式滑雪空中技巧世界杯在国家体育场“鸟巢”正式开战,奥迪首款运动型SUV即Q5运动版车型SQ5正式上市,售价为69.8万。比赛现场,奥迪SQ5成功挑战十多层楼高、角度为37.5度的冰雪坡道,场面极为震撼。不仅还原了1986年奥迪100 CS quattro成功登顶芬兰Pitkvuori高空滑雪跳台的经典一幕,更体现出奥迪SQ5的强悍性能。  与此
采用180电子磁谱仪方法测量了超短(120 fs)红外(744 nm)脉冲激光与固体等离子体相互作用产生的超热电子能谱。激光参数为无预脉冲、45斜入射的P激化光,靶为5 mm的铜,靶表面经
[摘 要] 传统的高职院校化工类专业课程教学模式只注重对学生专业知识的教学,而忽略了对学生专业学习兴趣的培养。主要研究基于学生专业学习兴趣培养下的化工类课程教学改革及实施。结合高质化工类课程特点以及现阶段课程教学状况,着力于培养学生专业学习兴趣、提高教学质量这一目标,从教学理念、教学内容、教学手段、教学形式等方面作出改革,并付诸于实践,以期能有效激发学生学习兴趣,培养学生思维能力、创新能力,让学生