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海里来了百年不遇的大鱼汛,有船的人纷纷满载而归。这时码头上没船的人都在想:为什么我不去捕鱼呢?为什么要看着别人发大财!于是一时间热血沸腾,豪气万丈,下海成了挡不住的诱惑。不过,往往用不了几天,人们就会冷静下来。捕鱼又不是钓鱼,总不能坐着舢板去深海吧!船的问题怎么解决呢?现造一艘吧,一是没技术、二是没时间,花个一年半载把船造好恐怕也是“这拔又没赶上”。要不,干脆买它一艘,可这些没有航海经验的“新渔民”保不齐会在海上迷个航、触个礁什么的,赔了夫人又折兵不说,小命儿丢了可不是闹着玩的!于是有人想到了借船出海(当然要付点租金),确切他说,是在某艘大船上租一个舱位以获得捕鱼的资格。这种方法既抢出了时间又投资不大,而且还有安全保证,堪称“非专业渔民”下海捕鱼的最方便实惠的“快捷方式”。不过,有一点必须强调:并不是所有东西都可以用“租”来解决,至少你得拥有属于自己的鱼网。捕什么样的鱼、能捕到多少关键就在这鱼网的选择。其实,下面谈到的太平洋光电用的“网”的牌子就不错——“服务”牌的。 In the sea, a big fishing boat that has never been encountered in a hundred years has been filled with ships. At this time, people on the pier without a boat are thinking: Why don’t I go fishing? Why do you want to watch someone make a fortune? Then, for a while, the blood is filled with enthusiasm, and the sea becomes a temptation to stop. However, it will take less than a few days and people will calm down. Fishing is not fishing, you can’t sit on a see-saw to go to the deep sea! How to solve the problem of the boat? Create a boat, first, no technology, no time, spend a year and a half to build a good boat It is also “This has not yet caught up.” Otherwise, simply buy it one, but these “new fishermen” who do not have sailing experience will not be able to find a boat at sea and touch a reef. If they lose their wife and say no to the soldiers, it wouldn’t be bothering to lose their lives. Playing! So someone thought of borrowing a boat to go to the sea (of course, to pay some rent), he said exactly, is to rent a space on a large boat to qualify for fishing. This method not only grabs time and has little investment, but also guarantees security. It is the most convenient and affordable “shortcut” for “non-professional fishermen” to go fishing. However, there is one point that must be emphasized: not everything can be solved with “rent”. At least you have to have your own fishnet. What kind of fish to catch and how many key to catch is the choice of this fishnet. In fact, the brand of “net” used by Pacific Optoelectronics mentioned below is good - the “service” brand.
在中小企业解决方案概念四起之时,北大方正的中小企业解决方案近日亮相。 协作天使是方正电脑在调查了中国中小企业的现状之后推出的,针对中国国情以及中小企业的资源现状和
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