An Analysis of Feminism in Little Women

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  Abstract:Feminism means women seeking equal economic, social, cultural and political opportunities and rights. After the second Industrial Revolution and the end of the American Civil War, the United States was a stable, safe, economically-developed country. American people’s cultural ideology has undergone great changes under the impetus of the economy, and people’s ideas have gradually been liberated. Under this favorable condition, the female consciousness of Americans had been increasing day by day. Most women began to call on their own rights as women, and they began to go outside to the social stage to strive for their own values.Little Women had been very popular from it’s publication among not only the American people but also many foreign readers. Since childhood, influenced by her family and the surroundings, Jo has formed a personality of self-esteem, self-improvement, independence, and self-love. She has worked hard in writing and eventually found her own happiness.
  Key words:feminism; Little Women; Jo
  1 Introduction
  Feminism in the USA has a long history, from the colonial period to the present. Feminism and women’s writings have always been closely related because women’s writings is an important part. As women become more aware of their position and status in the society, some begin to struggle for a higher position. With the development of the feminist movement, feminism has an influence on culture and literature in the 20th century. Since 1920s, the feminist literature has been entering the stage of women: the stage of self-discovering and the stage of looking for the right status.
  Little Women was completed in the third year of the American Civil War where more than a million deaths were involved. It was estimated that about 10% of the northern men aged between 20 to 45 and about30% of the northern white men aged between 18 to 40. The warended the division between the south and north of America and theslavery, also changed the people’s lives as well as the ideas so that liberty and democracy have become a tendency. The voices for eleminating the discrimination of traditional patriarchy aginst women and enhancing the equality between male and female had been growing. Both writers and their works hadthe ideas of the times,despite those writers’ consciousness influenced by ideas of their times like everyone else, Alcott was no exception. (Hao Ming, 2016(15):177-179)
  2 Introduction to Feminism
  Generally speaking, feminism has brought a very important influence on women’s literature in lots of countries in the West. Female literary works in various countries have further promoted the development of feminism thoughts. Feminists believe that women and men are equal, meanwhile, women can participate in social activities as men, and start their own careers, so as to achieve material and spiritual independence, obtain freedom and self-improvement.   2.1Definition of Feminism
  There are many scholars who have given different definitions of feminism. However, what the author adopts is from Beasley who argues that feminism contains political movements, ideologies,and social movements that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve equal political, economic, personal, and social rights for women. (Beasley,1999:3-11) it typically advocate or support the rights and equality of women. (Hooks,2000:78)
  Feminism originated from France and then spread to other parts of Europe and the United States. It had been growing into wide-spread trend. The reason for and premise of producing the feminism thinking was that women at that time had been trapped with relative oppression and discrimination. In patriarchal societies, women had been subjected to political oppression, social exclusion, economic poverty and ideological suppression. With the rapid development and popularization of feminism, the emergence of female literature in various countries had encouraged feminism to some extent. Of those countries,the United Stateswas a representative.
  2.2Development of Feminism in America
  The late 19th century was an important turning point of feminism in America. Female positions, female social expectations and gender discrimination changed a lot in America.
  The primary stage of development of feminism covered from the mid-19th century to the 1920s, during which the first wave of women’s liberation movements appeared. The characteristics of this stage were mainly marked with the awakening of feminism ideology. Withthe progress of the society, women increasingly realized that they had to struggle for their equal rights as one part of society.
  The feminist movements in the 1960s and 1970s were also marked the second phase of the development of feminism originated in the United States. In a sense, the second wave of feminism is inevitable. During that period, American women were embodied with a new idea of their social roles, social rights, and status.
  The third stage was during the 1980s and 1990s. Since the previous stage, feminism had beena cultural trend of the women’s liberation movement and had been a unique system of philosophy, principles, values, and methodology. It also led the advancement of many women. It has influented the culture, education, ethics, and value system for the whole society’. In addition, after the awakening of ideology and exploring new life stages, American women have worked hard through ideology, theoryto free themselves from the shackles and oppression from the patriarchal society for their equality and liberation.
摘要:改变传统的教育模式,以灵活培养人才,改革创新课程,以特色教学、合作办学、为重点,创新体制机制,深化教育教学改革,我国部分高校在办学条件、育人模式、就业水平等方面虽然形成了以专业课程教学标准、顶岗实习标准体系框架,但各大院校之間还存在差距。  关键词:校企联合招生;地方统筹;知识和技能  一、我国高等职业教育的趋势  多元化的教育背景下,高等职业教育迅速发展,国家出台了一系列政策措施,发展高等
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摘要:中等职业学校学前教育专业舞蹈教学表现力的重要性。本文通过对舞蹈表现力重要意义的阐述,从综合素养、舞蹈理论、生活积累、舞蹈体验等方面,阐述了怎样培养和训练学生的表现力问题,从而引起学校和学生的重视,把舞蹈表演提升到一个新的层次上来。  关键词:舞蹈;教学;舞蹈表现力  引言  学前教育专业的舞蹈教学有着其特殊的规律性:它不同于少年儿童的启蒙训练、又不同于高等院校的专业舞蹈教育,更不同于高师的舞
摘要:针对高职院校新生入学后存在的种种问题,开展切实可行的入学教育,对于帮助高职学生尽快适应大学生活,树立新的人生目标,实现个人梦想有着非常重要的意义,也是整体学生管理的关键一环。  关键词:高职;新生;教育  新生带着对未来美好生活的憧憬,进入了大学校园,来到了一个完全陌生的环境,就像刘姥姥进了大观园,懵懵懂懂,并且发现现实与理想有很大的差距,于是出现了适应困难、学习目标不明确、懒散邋遢、人际交
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随着课程改革的不断深入,教育科研在促进学校内涵发展中的作用日益突现出来,“科研兴校”成为学校的基本办学策略,教育科研成了学校和老师的一种追求,成了学校的一道亮丽的风景线,学校依托教育科研,使一大批教师从实践者迅速转变为研究者、创造者。一所学校和一位老师要想脱颖而出,必须要搞教学研究,要有自己的品牌。具体地,我想谈几个问题。  一、打破教学研究的“神秘感”,优化教师的教育科研意识。  打破搞科学研究