快You’ll need to hurry to catch this character

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  ime is life,” observed the renowned 20th-century writer, translator and educator Liang Shiqiu. “It is most startling to hear a watch or clock clicking away the seconds, each click indicating the shortening of one’s life little by little.” For modern people, life is much like a battle against time. It seems that an invisible power urges us to do everything quicker, hastier, faster: more
  “快” (ku3i, quick; fast; rapid; swift).
  The character is commonly used to describe speed. The frequently used term for “courier” is 快递 (ku3id#) meaning “express delivery;” 快餐 (ku3ic`n) is “fast food;” and 快车 (ku3ich8) is an express train or bus. Meanwhile, 动作快 (d7ngzu7 ku3i) is to “act quickly” and 说话快 (shu4hu3 ku3i) means “fast talking.” Based on this, a quick worker is called 快手 (ku3ish6u), literally translated as “fast hand”—it’s also the name of a popular live-streaming app (see feature, page 32). For example: Liu is such a quick and neat worker that he is known as “Fast Hand Liu.” However, when it comes to 快嘴 (ku3izu@, fast mouth), this isn’t describing someone’s talking speed. Instead, it refers to people who voice their thoughts too readily, or have loose lips—in other words, a gossip.
  You may also have heard people say 脑子快 (n2ozi ku3i, “the brain is fast”). It means “quick-witted, clever, and nimble.” The term 眼疾手快 (y2nj! sh6uku3i, literally, “quick of eye and deft of hand”) is often used to describe fast reflexes.
  If you want to express that you are “doing something at top speed”, you can turn to the idiom 快马加鞭 (ku3im2 ji`bi`n, spurring on the fast horse). For example: 在这最后一个星期,我们要快马加鞭,按期完成任务。(Z3i zh- zu#h7u y! g- x~ngq~, w6men y3o ku3im2 ji`bi`n, 3nq~ w1nch9ng r-nw&. In the final week, we must “spur on the fast horse” and finish the project on time).
  In some other cases, 快 also indicates a future tense, meaning “soon” or “before long.” For example, you can say : 我快要五十歲了。(W6 ku3iy3o w^sh! su# le. I am about to be 50.)
  Another meaning of 快 is “sharp; keen.” A sharp knife is 快刀 (ku3id`o). A Chinese saying states that “快刀斩乱麻” (ku3id`o zh2n lu3nm1), which can be translated as “cut a tangled skein of jute with a sharp knife.” This old-fangled pearl of wisdom means that one should be resolute and take prompt measures in order to solve a complex problem.
  But 快 didn’t always have these keen connotations. Its original meaning was “pleased, happy, satisfied.” As a pictophonetic character—where one component carries the meaning and another the sound—its radical   忄, a simplified version of 心 (x~n, heart), indicates that 快 is an emotion-related word. Many two-character words containing 快 have this meaning, such as 快乐 (ku3il-, happy), 快活 (ku3ihuo, jolly, merry, cheerful), or 快感 (ku3ig2n, apleasant sensation or delight). There is also the literary expression 快事 (ku3ish#), meaning “an occurrence that gives great satisfaction or pleasure.” For instance, 他乡遇故知,实乃人生一大快事!(T` xi`ng y& g&zh~, sh!n2i r9nsh8ng y! d3 ku3ish#! It is such a delight in life to encounter an old friend in a distant land!)
  In this meaning, being served a sneak peak or trailer of a film is 先睹為快 (xi`n d^ w9i ku3i, consider it a pleasure to be among the first to read or see); hurting oneself will lead to 亲痛仇快 (q~nt7ng ch5uku3i, sadden one’s close friends and gladden one’s enemies); when virtue is rewarded it 大快人心 (d3ku3i r9nx~n, gladdens the people’s hearts). The most interesting use of this exists in the word 快婿 (ku3ix&). With 婿 (x&) meaning son-in-law, the word refers to an ideal match for one’s daughter.
  When the character is used to depict a personality, 快 means “straightforward, forthright, and plainspoken,” as seen in words like 爽快 (shu2ngkuai, straightforward and outspoken).
  Here we have the phrase 快人快语 (ku3ir9n ku3iy^), meaning “straightforward talk from a straightforward person,” which is usually used to flatter people face-to-face: “您快人快语!跟您聊天真是痛快” (N!n ku3ir9n ku3iy^! G8n n!n li1oti`n zh-nshi t7ngku3i! You are such a straightforward person, talking straightforwardly! It’s such a pleasure to talk with you!)
  Last but not least, sometimes 快 is also a noun. In ancient times, a sheriff was called
  捕快 (b^ku3i), referring to a constable who caught criminals. But this word is no longer used for policemen in modern society. What do people call the cops now? That’s a lesson for another day.
民艺复兴,眼下被当作一个口号提出来,《碧山》还为我们绘制了一份中国民艺复兴的地图,大小组织机构,或公益,或商业平台,都在积极促成民艺项目。诸多明星设计师们,也纷纷加入这个鼓舞人心的复兴行列,在传统民艺中汲取养分,再用现代艺术的表现形式,商业的运作方式,将民艺重新推出。也有人质疑,价值不菲的新民艺作品,还是我们的民艺吗?民艺应该被放在博物馆还是商场?什么才是民艺复兴的正确打开方式呢?    黄永松 
麻栗坡的僻远闭塞和驰名度同样令人吃惊——这个位于亚热带山岳丛林地的边境小县,虽然地处北回归线以南,但或许是此间山水少了几分妩媚娇柔的仪态,抑或是这片丘陵山地算不上富庶丰饶。总之,是与惯常认知中那些鱼米之乡的南方描述相去甚远。所以,人们提及麻栗坡时,都不将其称为南方,而只是谓之南疆。  “名山风雨百年心”。处于云贵高原的麻栗坡四周皆山,八方为峰。但是,放眼这些山山岭岭,总是让人联想起雄伟长城的垛堞箭
已故著名诗人顾城曾说:“我认为大诗人首先要具备的条件是灵魂,一个永远醒着、微笑而痛苦的灵魂,一个注视着酒杯、万物的反光和自身的灵魂,一个在河岸上注视着血液、思想、情感的灵魂,一个为爱驱动,与光同在的灵魂,在一层又一层物象的幻影中前进。他无所知又全知,他无所求又尽求,他全知所以微笑,他尽求所以痛苦。”通读了李红林的诗,我才发现,他在诗歌中所追求和倡导的诗性与诗意,正是顾城所说的“灵魂”所指。  李红
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