医院中药房是一个综合性科室。一般县级医院无专职人员抓管理工作,管理不善往往带来不良后果,出现采购进入假劣药品,贮藏变质,炮制不当,划价不准,配发错药,煎煮不透,药房亏损等等。因此,加强医院药房管理十分重要,管理得当能使医院社会效益和经济效益及医疗质量明显好转。笔者从事药房工作多年,现略述供中药界同仁参考。 1 制度落实管理 一个合格中药房,有严格制度是管理上的关键。因药房设室较多,人员较杂,担负着医院中药购、
The hospital pharmacy is a comprehensive department. In general, county-level hospitals do not have full-time staff to attend to management work. Poor management often brings undesirable consequences. Procurement of counterfeit and inferior medicines, deterioration of storage, improper concoctions, inaccurate price allocations, dispensing of the wrong medicines, poor boiling, pharmacy losses, etc. . Therefore, it is very important to strengthen the management of hospital pharmacies. Proper management can significantly improve the social and economic benefits and medical quality of hospitals. The author has been working in pharmacies for many years and is now briefly referenced for colleagues in the Chinese medicine industry. 1 System Implementation Management A qualified pharmacy has a strict system that is the key to management. Due to the large number of rooms in the pharmacy, personnel are more miscellaneous, and they are responsible for hospital medicine purchases.