Unit4 Where is my schoolbag?The 1st period Section A(1a–1c)教学设计

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  Teaching aims
  1.Know the things in the classroom.
  table, bed, bookcase, sofa, chair, schoolbag, books, keys
  2.Using the prepositions.
  Language points
  1.Sentence structures:
  Where’s my schoolbag?
  It’s under the table.
  Where are the books?
  They are on the sofa.
  2.The vocabulary for today.
  where, in, on, under, is , are
  Teaching aids:
  Tape recorder, PPT, and the real things such as pen and books, etc.
  To use the prepositions in their proper forms.( is, are).
  Teaching steps
  I. Greet the students.
  Introduce myself to the students. And say hello to them.
  To know some sth about the students to begin our class.
  II. Lead in:
  I hold a book and a pen. Ask:
  What’s this in English?
  And what’s that?
  Let the students answer. And then, put the pen on the book.
  Say: The pen is on the book.
  Teach them on. And then ask:
  Where is the pen?
  Help them to answer:
  It’s on the book.
  The same way to teach on , in , under in simple forms and the plural forms.
  Some examples to show.
  And write them on the Bb.
  If this step do the best, a good beginning can bring the success of the class for today.
  III. Practice by showing the pictures on PPT.
  This step is very important. Using about 10 minutes.
  IV. Come to the book steps:
  Step 1: 1a
  First, please open your books at page 19 and look at activity 1a.1.Look and find. Please look at the picture in activity 1a. There’re some things in it. Do you know what they are?
  Check the answers. Let’s check the answers together.
  Step 2: 1b
  1.Listen and number
  a. Listen to the tape for the first time.
  b. Number the things in the picture when you listen to it for the second time.
  2.Check the answers
  Step 3: 1c
  Read the conversation with your partners.
  Please practice in class.
  Let’s summarize what we learnt in this period.
  1.Memorize the words for today.
  2.Finish the exercises for today on the workbook.
  Blackboard Design:
  on, under, in
  Where’s my schoolbag?Where are the books?
  It’s under the table. They are on the sofa.
摘 要:在高中政治课堂教学中,经常会出现“某一个知识点重复教学数次,学生依然没弄明白”的现象。课堂教学对过往知识点反复教学与学生的反复遗忘,使课堂效率受到影响。本文试图从教师、教师与学生的沟通、学生等三个方面来探讨课堂反复教学与反复遗忘的成因以及解决的思路。  关键词:反复教学;反复遗忘;定向重复;教学案例库  一、课堂反复教学与反复遗忘现象  教学过程是一个完整链式前进的过程,中间的各个环节环环
地图是按一定数学法则、运用符号系统,概括地将地球上各种自然和社会现象缩小后表示在平面上的图形,没有哪门学科像地理这样与地图牢固结合、密不可分。地图是地理教材的重要组成部分,是地理知识的基础,也是地理教学的主要工具。经常运用地图,可以加强地理课的直观性、形象性与趣味性,对于提高地理课的教学质量,帮助学生掌握知识、巩固记忆、培养能力等方面都有着重要意义。  一、教会学生阅读地图  七年级学生还很小,抽