Review of the Studies abroad and in China Using Microgenetic approach

来源 :校园英语·下旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kenshin578212121
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  【Abstract】More and more researchers switch their attentions on the study the path and mechanism of the changing cognitive development with a focus on variability with a group and within a subject by the microgenetic approach.The paper overviews the studies achievements of using microgenetic approach in second language acquisition both at abroad and home. By using microgenetic approach,it will provide us a new perspective to explore effective ways to modify our teaching and learning and could help us better to deal with the micro problems of Chinese students learning.
  【Key words】microgenetic approach; Second Language Acquisition
  Microgenetic approach was a kind of research method which has appeared in recent 20 years in the field of cognitive psychology and can be traced to 70 years ago, in which Vygotsky and Werner put forward the basic idea of Microgenetic analysis. This approach was mainly used to explore trajectory and mechanism of cognitive development and focus on the group or individual’s variability during development process.
  Microgenetic approach has been proved to be applicable in various fields, such as cognitive science, social science, applied linguistics, pragmatics, as well as second language acquisition and has been used to study development in diverse content areas: language, arithmetic etc. The main reason was closely related to the continuous development of the theories, from Chomsky’ innate language acquisition dominated in second language acquisition to “learning language was just like to learn other cognitive skill” proposed by Valdman(2002), from Piaget’s children cognitive development theory to the overlapping waves model by Siegler (1996). The former only reflected the macro change and trend in population, while ignoring micro development and its diversity and difference, to some extent, which could not reflect the true fact of the children cognitive development. The later emphasized the unbalanced nature of children’s cognitive development and variability, recognizing the complexity of development from the microscopic perspective, including Dynamic System Theory in 21st century, which coincided with the nature of microgenetic approach and was contributed to the development of the method. It has also been shown to be applicable to people in different age: Infant, toddlers, school-age children, adolescents, and adult (Siegle
【摘要】在现代教育背景下,多媒体技术被广泛运用于英语教学中。2009年江苏省正式实行中考英语听力口语自动化考试,将听力和口语测试合二为一。自动化对初中英语教学提出了更高的要求,对初中英语教学有着促进作用。本文试从英语教学和多媒体科技结合,突出听力口语重要性,强化交际应用等方面进行思考和探究。  【关键词】英语教学和教育技术结合 指导要求 突出听力口语作用  2009年江苏省正式实行中考英语听力口语
【摘要】如今,高中生的学习负担越来越重,尤其是英语学科,一直是困扰他们的“麻烦学科”。据调查,在学生的学习时间中,有一半他们是在学英语的。而在升学率的重压下,为什么英语学科还总是成为众多中学生跨入高中或重点高中的一道障碍?而书面表达是英语学习及考试的一个重要组成部分,所以写作教学在初中英语教学中又占有很重要的地位。  【关键词】英语教学 高中阶段 写作 方式方法  在英语教学中,写作是最能反映考生
【摘要】韩国语助词比较复杂,其中“?/?”与“?/?”使用频次较高,是初学者在助词学习中出现偏误较多之处。本文对两组相似的助词“?/?”与“?/?”的语用特征进行比较分析,以及对异同点进行归纳和总结,同时为一线韩语教学提供参考。  【关键词】助词 “?/?” “?/?”  目前学术界大多数观点认为韩国语属于阿尔泰语系语言,黏着性是阿尔泰语系语言区别于其他语言的的一个重要特征,主要靠助词和词尾来表现