Apple Siri will be the voice of Shanghai speech assistant war has started

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  At least one thing that Siri's competitors cannot do is to speak 21 languages in 36 countries. This feature is very important, because most of the smart phones are sold outside the United states.
  With the full launch of Google Corporation Google assistant service last week, a voice assistant battle has been fully launched.
  Today, apple, Amazon, Microsoft, as well as the alphabet of the company's Google has launched a smart assistant service to perform user commands.
  Siri can be said to be the veterans of these services. Many researchers, including Alan in Seattle Institute of artificial intelligence chief executive Oren Etioni, think in terms of speech recognition and answer questions, Apple's lead has been exhausted.
  However, at least one thing that Siri's competitors cannot do is to speak 21 languages in 36 countries. This feature is very important, because most of the smart phones are sold outside the United states.
  Microsoft's "little Na" will speak 8 languages in 13 countries. Google voice assistant will speak 4 languages, the service started only in Google's own Pixel phone, and later loaded into other Android devices. Amazon's Alexa can only speak English and german. Even Siri will start the doctrine of the Shanghai dialect, which is used only in Shanghai and surrounding areas of Wu dialect.
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